Dr. C.-C. Jay Kuo is the Ming Hsieh Chair Professor in Electrical and Computer Engineering-Systems at the University of Southern California (USC). He is a USC Distinguished Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Computer Science, and the Director of the USC Multimedia Communication Laboratory (MCL). He received the B.S. degree from the National Taiwan University, Taipei, in 1980 and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, in 1985 and 1987, respectively, all in Electrical Engineering. From Oct. 1987 to Dec. 1988, he was a Computational and Applied Mathematics Research Assistant Professor in the Department of Mathematics at the University of California, Los Angeles. He has been with USC since January 1989. Dr. Kuo is a Fellow of AAAS, ACM, IEEE, NAI, and SPIE. He is also an Academician of Academia Sinica in Taiwan.
Dr. Kuo’s research activities lie in multimedia computing and green AI. He co-authored 370 journal papers, 1000 conference papers, 30 patents, and 15 books. He delivered 50 keynote speeches and 800 invited lectures at conferences, research institutes, universities, and companies. He has received numerous awards for his outstanding research contributions, including the 2010 Electronic Imaging Scientist of the Year Award, the 2010-11 Fulbright-Nokia Distinguished Chair in Information and Communications Technologies, the 2011 Pan Wen-Yuan Outstanding Research Award, the 2019 IEEE Computer Society Edward J. McCluskey Technical Achievement Award, the 2019 IEEE Signal Processing Society Claude Shannon-Harry Nyquist Technical Achievement Award, the 2020 IEEE TCMC Impact Award, the 72nd annual Technology and Engineering Emmy Award (2020), and the 2021 IEEE Circuits and Systems Society Charles A. Desoer Technical Achievement Award.
Dr. Kuo has guided 175 students to their Ph.D. degrees and supervised 31 postdoctoral research fellows. He is listed as the top advisor in the Mathematics Genealogy Project in the number of supervised Ph.D. students. His stellar educational achievements have won a wide array of recognitions, such as the 2014 USC Northrop Grumman Excellence in Teaching Award, the 2016 USC Associates Award for Excellence in Teaching, the 2016 IEEE Computer Society Taylor L. Booth Education Award, the 2016 IEEE Circuits and Systems Society John Choma Education Award, the 2016 IS&T Raymond C. Bowman Award, the 2017 IEEE Leon K. Kirchmayer Graduate Teaching Award, the 2017 IEEE Signal Processing Society Carl Friedrich Gauss Education Award, and the 2018 USC Provost’s Mentoring Award.
Dr. Kuo was Editor-in-Chief for the IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security (2012-2014) and the Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation (1997-2011). He was on the Editorial Board of the IEEE Journal of Selected Topics on Signal Processing (2015-2018), the IEEE Signal Processing Magazine (2003-2004), IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing (2001-2003), IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (1995-1998) and IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (1995-1997). He was an IEEE Signal Processing Society Distinguished Lecturer (2006-2007) and a Senior Editorial Board member of the IEEE Signal Processing Magazine (2017-2020). He was President of the Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association (APSIPA) from 2013-2014.
Dr. Kuo received best paper awards from the 2005 Multimedia Communication Technical Committee of the IEEE Communication Society, the 2006 IEEE Vehicular Technology Fall Conference (VTC-Fall), the 2006 IEEE Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (IIH-MSP), the 2017 Data Compression Conference (the Capocelli Prize), the 2017 Asia Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association (APSIPA) Annual Summit Conference (ASC) and the 2018 Conference on Autonomous Vehicles and Machines of IS&T International Symposium on Electronic Imaging (EI). He also received the 2018, 2021 and 2022 Best Paper Awards from the Journal of Visual Communications and Image Representation and the 2019 and 2022 APSIPA Sadaoki Furui Best Paper Awards.
In his early academic career, Dr. Kuo received the 1992 National Science Foundation Young Investigator (NYI) Award, the 1993 National Science Foundation Presidential Faculty Fellow (PFF) Award, and the 1994 USC Northrop Junior Faculty Research Award.