Monthly Archives: January 2015

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    Congratulations to Pang-Cheng (Brian) Lan for Passing His Qualifying Exam

Congratulations to Pang-Cheng (Brian) Lan for Passing His Qualifying Exam

Congratulations to Mr. Pang-Cheng (Brian) Lan for passing his Qualifying Exam on January 22, 2015. The title of Brian’s thesis proposal is “Enhancing Secrecy in Wireless Environment with Only Channel State Information: Theory and Applications”. His Qualifying Exam committee consisted of Jay Kuo (Chair), Keith Chugg, Andy Molisch, Salman Avestimehr and Wlodek Proskurowski (Outside Member).

In his proposal, Brian shows the advantages of having only transmitter-side channel state information (CSI) but none or limited CSI at the receiver and the eavesdropper in wiretap channels. With CSI only at the transmitter (CSIT), distortion and interference on the main channel can be pre-compensated by the transmitter to facilitate detection at the receiver while leaving the eavesdropper confused by the uncertainties of its own channel. These ideas are first tested in the case of finite-alphabet discrete memoryless wiretap channels, where the secrecy capacity expression is derived, and are then applied to two practical scenarios, namely, fading wiretap channels and those with Gaussian interference. Truncation-based schemes are proposed to ensure that the transmission occurs only when the main channel is sufficiently reliable. Furthermore, a practical unitary modulation scheme is recommended as application of exploiting the benefits of having CSIT in secrecy for multi-antenna communication systems in which Long Term Evolution (LTE) is used as an example. The achievable secrecy rates of the proposed schemes are derived and asymptotic or approximate expressions are proposed for the optimization purpose. The effectiveness of the proposed transmission schemes and the advantages of having only CSIT are demonstrated through numerical simulations.

By |January 25th, 2015|News|Comments Off on Congratulations to Pang-Cheng (Brian) Lan for Passing His Qualifying Exam|
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    Congratulations to Ms. Young Ju Jeong for Passing Her Qualifying Exam

Congratulations to Ms. Young Ju Jeong for Passing Her Qualifying Exam

Ms. Young Ju Jeong joined the MCL in 2005 Fall firstly as a MS student and then a PhD student. Young Ju took a leave of absence, returned to Korea and worked as a research engineer in the Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology (SAIT) in 2007 August. She has resumed her PhD program remotely since two years ago by taking courses through DEN and communicating with Professor Kuo on her research progress. Congratulations to Young Ju for passing her Qual exam on January 13, 2015. Her proposal is “Autostereoscopic 3D Display Rendering from Conventional Stereo Sequences”. Her Qual exam committee includes: Jay Kuo (Chair), Sandy Sawchuk, Keith Jenkins, Panos Georgiou and Aichiro Nakano (Outside Member).

Progress in the development of 3D displays has enabled human to reproduce a more realistic 3D world. However, it is difficult to generate 3D various display images from restrictive input contents. In her thesis proposal, Young Ju proposed a new framework for the 3D display representation. The first step for the creation of 3D display images is 3D reconstruction from the restrictive input contents. Under the estimated 3D structure, robust rendering with respect to uncalibrated artifacts is an important task. For the light field display, fast and efficient rendering for a huge number of pixels and memory usage is the main challenge. Young Ju introduced a new stereo matching algorithm that estimates disparities between high- and low-confidence regions separately. Then, she proposed an efficient multiview rendering algorithm for the autostereoscopic display that takes uncalibrated stereo as the input. Finally, she proposed an efficient light-field rendering algorithm that utilizes only a few input colors and depth images. Experimental results demonstrate that proposed stereo matching algorithm offers high quality results on real [...]

By |January 18th, 2015|News|Comments Off on Congratulations to Ms. Young Ju Jeong for Passing Her Qualifying Exam|

Two MCL Papers Presented at ICCE 2015

Two research  findings of the USC Media Communications Lab were presented at the IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE), which was held from January 9th to 12th 2015, in Las Vegas .

Auto exposure (AE) control is an important function of modern digital cameras. Simple AE algorithms are designed for a specific type of camera sensors. Advanced AE techniques have been developed to tackle a wider class of camera sensors and/or high contrast lighting conditions, yet they are computationally intensive and, thus, difficult to implement in a resource-constrained environment such as phone cameras. Besides, none of existing solutions provides robust performance if erroneous exposure occurs. To address the aforementioned shortcomings, a fast and robust AE algorithm is  in need. The first paper entitled with “Fast and Robust Camera’s Auto Exposure Control Using Convex or Concave Model”, co-authored by Yuanhang Su and C.-C. Jay Kuo, proposed a concave/convex function model for the luminance characteristics of a camera. Based on such a model, a proper parameter value can be computed using a modified secant algorithm with fast convergence. This paper was presented by an MCL member, Joe Lin.

The second paper entitled with “Uncalibrated Multiview Synthesis based on Epipolar Geometry Approximation”, co-authored by Young Ju Jeong, Hyoseok Hwang, Dongkyung Nam and C.-C. Jay Kuo, was mainly conducted in Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology (SAIT) with the input from Professor Kuo. This paper proposed an  efficient multiview rendering algorithm that takes uncalibrated stereo as the input. First, the epipolar geometry of multiple viewpoints is analyzed for multiview display. Then, the camera pose for an arbitrarily selected viewpoint is estimated by algebraic approximation. Finally, by exploiting rectification homographs and disparities of rectified stereo, one can determine multiview images with [...]

By |January 11th, 2015|News|Comments Off on Two MCL Papers Presented at ICCE 2015|