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    Congratulations to Heming Zhang for Passing Her Qualifying Exam

Congratulations to Heming Zhang for Passing Her Qualifying Exam

Congratulations to Heming Zhang for Passing Her Qualifying Exam on Jan. 24, 2019! Her thesis proposal is titled with “LOCAL-AWARE DEEP LEARNING: METHODOLOGY AND APPLICATIONS”. Her Qualifying Exam Committee includes: Jay Kuo (Chair), Antonio Ortega, Keith Jenkins, Sandy Sawchuk and Stefanos Nikolaidis (Outside Member).

Abstract of thesis proposal:

Deep learning techniques utilize networks with multiple layers cascaded to map the inputs to desired outputs. To map the entire inputs to desired outputs, useful information should be extracted through the layers. During the mapping, feature extraction and prediction are jointly performed. We do not have direct control for feature extraction. Consequently, some useful information, especially local information, is also discarded in the process.

In this thesis proposal, we specifically study local-aware deep learning techniques
with: 1) multi-modal attention mechanism; 2) local cues reasoning; 3) local region
characteristics analysis. Specifically, we design a multi-modal attention mechanism for generative visual dialogue system, which simultaneously attends to multi-modal inputs and utilizes extracted local information to generate dialogue responses. We propose a proposal network for fast face detection system for mobile devices, which detects salient facial parts and
uses them as local cues for detection of entire faces. We extract representative fashion features by analyzing local regions, which contain local fashion details of humans’ interests.

By |February 4th, 2019|News|Comments Off on Congratulations to Heming Zhang for Passing Her Qualifying Exam|
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    Congratulations to Fenxiao (Jessica) Chen for Passing Her Qualifying Exam

Congratulations to Fenxiao (Jessica) Chen for Passing Her Qualifying Exam

Congratulations to Fenxiao (Jessica) Chen for Passing His Qualifying Exam on 01/22/19! Her thesis proposal is titled with “GRAPH EMBEDDING WITH DEEP LEARNING TECHNIQUES”. Her Qualifying Exam Committee include: Jay Kuo (Chair), Sandy Sawchuk, Panos Georgiou, Viktor Prasanna and Xiong Ren (Outside Member).

Abstract of thesis proposal:

Graph representation learning is an important task nowadays due to the fact that most real-world data naturally comes in the form of graphs in many applications. Graph data often come in high-dimensional irregular form which makes them more difficult to analyze than the traditional low-dimensional data. Graph embedding has been widely used to convert graph data into a lower dimensional space while preserving the intrinsic properties of the original data.

In this thesis proposal, we specifically study two graph embedding problems: 1) Developing effective and graph embedding techniques can provide researcher with deeper understanding of the collected data more efficiently; 2) Use the embedded information to conduct applications such as node classification and link prediction.

To find an efficient way to learn and encode graph into a low dimensional embedding. We first present a novel Deepwalk-assisted Graph PCA (DGPCA) method is proposed for processing language network data represented by graphs. This method can generate a precise text representation for nodes (or vertices) in language networks. Unlike other existing work, our learned low dimensional vector representations add flexibility in exploring vertices neighborhood information while reducing noise contained in the original data. To demonstrate the effectiveness, we use DGPCA to classify vertices that contain text information in three language networks. Experimentally, DGPCA is shown to perform well on the language datasets in comparison to several state-of-the-art benchmarking methods.

To solve the node prediction problem, we present A novel graph-to-tree conversion mechanism called the deep [...]

By |February 4th, 2019|News|Comments Off on Congratulations to Fenxiao (Jessica) Chen for Passing Her Qualifying Exam|
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    Congratulations to Junting Zhang for Passing Her Qualifying Exam

Congratulations to Junting Zhang for Passing Her Qualifying Exam

Congratulations to Junting Zhang for Passing His Qualifying Exam on 01/17/19. Her thesis proposal is titled with “IMAGE KNOWLEDGE TRANSFER WITH DEEP LEARNING TECHNIQUES”. Her Qualifying Exam committee includes: Jay Kuo (Chair), Sandy Sawchuk, Keith Jenkins, Panos Georgiou and Ulrich Neumann (Outside Member).

Abstract of thesis proposal:

In recent years, we have witnessed tremendous success in training deep neural networks to learn a surprisingly accurate mapping from input signals to outputs, whether they are images, languages, genetic sequences, etc. from large amounts of labeled data. One fatal characteristics of the current dominant learning paradigm is that it learns in isolation: given a carefully constructed training dataset, it runs a machine learning algorithm on the dataset to produce a model that is then used in its specific intended application. It has no intention to exploit the dependencies and relations among different tasks and domains, nor the effective techniques to retain, accumulate, and transfer knowledge gained from past learning experiences to solve new problems in the new scenarios.

The learning environments are typically static and strictly constrained. For supervised learning, labeling of training data is often done manually, which is prohibitively expensive in terms of labor resource and time, especially when the required label is fine-grained or it requires knowledge from a domain expert. Considering the real world is too complex with infinite possible tasks, it is almost impossible to label sufficient number of examples for every possible task or application. Furthermore, the world also changes constantly, and appearance of instances or the label of the same instance may vary from time to time, the labeling thus needs to be done continually, which is a daunting task for humans.

On the contrary, humans learn in a different way, where transfer [...]

By |February 4th, 2019|News|Comments Off on Congratulations to Junting Zhang for Passing Her Qualifying Exam|

Congratulations to Ye Wang for Passing His Qualifying Exam

Congratulations to Ye Wang for Passing His Qualifying Exam on 01/16/2019! His thesis proposal is titled with “VIDEO OBJECT SEGMENTATION AND TRACKING WITH DEEP LEARNING TECHNIQUES”. His Qualifying Exam committee includes: Jay Kuo (Chair), Sandy Sawchuk, Antonio Ortega, Shri Narayanan, and Joseph Lim.

Abstract of thesis proposal:

Unsupervised video object segmentation is a crucial application in video analysis without knowing any prior information about the objects. It becomes tremendously challenging when multiple objects occur and interact in a given video clip. In this thesis proposal, a novel unsupervised video object segmentation approach via distractor-aware online adaptation (DOA) is proposed. DOA models spatial-temporal consistency in video sequences by capturing background dependencies from adjacent frames. Instance proposals are generated by the instance segmentation network for each frame and then selected by motion information as hard negatives if they exist and positives. To adopt high-quality hard negatives, the block matching algorithm is then applied to preceding frames to track the associated hard negatives. General negatives are also introduced in case that there are no hard negatives in the sequence and experiments demonstrate both kinds of negatives (distractors) are complementary. Finally, we conduct DOA using the positive, negative, and hard negative masks to update the foreground/background segmentation. The proposed approach achieves state-of-the-art results on two benchmark datasets, DAVIS 2016 and FBMS-59 datasets.

In addition, this thesis proposal reports a visible and thermal drone monitoring system that integrates deep-learning-based detection and tracking modules. The biggest challenge in adopting deep learning methods for drone detection is the paucity of training drone images especially thermal drone images. To address this issue, we develop two data augmentation techniques. One is a model-based drone augmentation technique that automatically generates visible drone images with a bounding box [...]

By |January 28th, 2019|News|Comments Off on Congratulations to Ye Wang for Passing His Qualifying Exam|
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    Congratulations to Yuhang Song for Passing His Qualifying Exam

Congratulations to Yuhang Song for Passing His Qualifying Exam

Congratulations to Yuhang Song for passing his Qualifying Exam on January 10, 2019! Yuhang’s thesis proposal is titled with “High-Quality Image Inpainting with Deep Generative Models”. His qualifying exam committee consisted of Jay Kuo (Chair), Antonio Ortega, Alexander Sawchuk, Panayiotis Georgiou, and Ulrich Neumann (Outside Member).

We invited Yuhang to talk about his thesis proposal:

Image inpainting is the task to reconstruct the missing region in an image with plausible contents based on its surrounding context, which is a common topic of low-level computer vision. Recent development in deep generative models enables an efficient end-to-end framework for image synthesis and inpainting tasks, However, existing methods are limited to fill in small holes on low-resolution images, and very often generate unsatisfying results containing easily detectable flaws. In this thesis proposal, we specifically study two image inpainting related problems: 1) finetuning the image generation textures; 2) making use of the semantic segmentation information for higher quality image inpainting.

In order to overcome the difficulty to directly learn the distribution of high-dimensional image data, we divide the task into inference and translation as two separate steps and model each step with a deep neural network. We also use simple heuristics to guide the propagation of local textures from the boundary to the hole. We show that, by using such techniques, inpainting reduces to the problem of learning two image-feature translation functions in much smaller space and hence easier to train. We evaluate our method on several public datasets and show that we generate results of better visual quality than previous state-of-the-art methods.

The second research idea is motivated by the fact that existing methods based on generative models don’t exploit the segmentation information to constrain the object shapes, which usually lead to blurry [...]

By |January 21st, 2019|News|Comments Off on Congratulations to Yuhang Song for Passing His Qualifying Exam|

MCL Research on Graph Embedding

Research on graph representation learning has gained increasing attention among researchers because many speech/text data such social networks, linguistic (word co-occurrence) networks, biological networks and many other multi-media domain specific data can be well represented by graphs. Graph representation allows relational knowledge about interacting entities to be stored and accessed efficiently. Analyzing these graph data can provide significant insights into community detection, behavior analysis and many other useful applications for node classification, link prediction and clustering. To analyze the graph data, the first step is to find an accurate and efficient graph representation. The steps of graph embedding are shown in Figure 1. The input is a graph represented by an adjacency matrix. Graph representation learning aims to embed the matrix into a latent dimension that captures the intrinsic characteristics of the original graph. For each node u in the network, we embed it to a d dimensional space that represent the feature of that node, as shown in Figure 2.

Obtaining an accurate representation for the graph is challenging because of several factors. Finding the optimal dimension of the representation is not an easy task. Representation with higher number of dimensions might preserve more information of the original graph at the cost of more space and time. The choose of dimension can also be domain-specific and depends on the type of input graph. Choosing which property of the graph to embed is also challenging given the plethora of properties graphs have.

In our research, we first focus on node prediction task in deep learning models. Specifically, we explore node classification using tree-structured recursive neural networks. Then we switch our goal to improve the accuracy and efficiency of the deep-walk based matrix factorization method.


— By Fenxiao(Jessica) [...]

By |January 14th, 2019|News|Comments Off on MCL Research on Graph Embedding|

MCL Research on Word Embedding

Word embedding has obtained its popularity among various NLP tasks including sentiment analysis [1], information retrieval [2] and machine translation [3]. The goal for word embedding is transferring word to vector representation which embeds both syntactic and semantic information. In the meantime, relationship between words can be distinguished though measurements of corresponding word vectors.

Although embedded vector representations of words offer impressive performance on many natural language processing (NLP) applications, the information of ordered input sequences is lost to some extent if only context-based samples are used in the training. For further performance improvement, two new post-processing techniques, called post-processing via variance normalization (PVN) and post-processing via dynamic embedding (PDE), are proposed in this work. The PVN method normalizes the variance of principal components of word vectors, while the PDE method learns orthogonal latent variables from ordered input sequences [4]. Our post-processing technique could improve the performance on both intrinsic evaluations tasks including word similarity, word analogy and outlier detection, and extrinsic evaluation tasks including sentiment analysis and machine translation.

In the meantime, we are also interested in word embedding evaluation tasks. It can be divided into two categories: intrinsic evaluation and extrinsic evaluation. We are trying to understand more on the properties of word embedding as well as their evaluation methods. It is still an on-going project.

Further developments include contextualized word embedding [5] and pre-trained language models [6] are quite popular last year. Lots of exciting work can be done along this direction and performance is much better than previous models. Also, bilingual or multi-lingual word embedding could also be an interesting research area.


–By Bin Wang, working with Fenxiao (Jessica) Chen, Angela Wang and Yunchen (Joe) Wang



[1] Shin, B.; Lee, T.; and Choi, J. D. [...]

By |January 7th, 2019|News|Comments Off on MCL Research on Word Embedding|

Happy New Year 2019!

In 2018, several students graduated from MCL with impressive work and started a new journey of life. Meanwhile, many new blood joined our group and enjoyed a wonderful time exploring in their research areas. In this year, MCL members kept moving forward in research and published high quality papers on top journals and conferences. Year 2018 has been a fruitful year for us.

Now we are standing at the end of 2018. Wish all members have a happy new year and a more wonderful 2019!


Image credits:

Image 1:, cropped and resized with white padding; Image 2:, cropped and resized with white padding.

By |December 31st, 2018|News|Comments Off on Happy New Year 2019!|

Merry Christmas!

May your Christmas sparkle with moments of love, laughter and goodwill. And may the year ahead be full of contentment and joy. Wish all our fellows a Merry Christmas!

By |December 24th, 2018|News|Comments Off on Merry Christmas!|

MCL Research on Domain Adaptation

Trained deep learning models do not generalize well if the testing data has a different distribution from the training data set. For instance, in medical image segmentation, the MRI and CT scan of the same object look very different. If we simply train a model on the MRI scans, it is very likely that the model will not work on the CT scans. However, it is very expensive and time-consuming to manually label different data sets. Therefore, we wish to transfer the knowledge from a labeled training set to an unlabeled testing data with a different distribution. Domain adaptation can help us achieve this purpose.
Domain adaptation can be categorized into three types based on the availability of target domain data: supervised, semi-supervised, unsupervised [1]. In supervised domain adaptation, a limited amount of labeled target domain data is available. In the semi-supervised setting, unlabeled target domain data as well as a small amount of labeled target domain data is available. In the unsupervised setting, only unlabeled target domain data is available. Unsupervised domain adaptation is an ill-posed problem since we do not have labels for the target domain data. Proper assumptions on the target domain data are important for performing unsupervised domain adaptation. In our research, we focus on the unsupervised domain adaptation. Unsupervised domain adaptation can be applied to many computer vision problems, including classification, segmentation, and detection. Currently, we focus our experiment on classification.
–By Ruiyuan Lin


[1] M. Wang and W. Deng, “Deep visual domain adaptation: A survey,” Neurocomputing, 2018.
Image Credits:
Anon, (2018). Available at: [Accessed 16 Dec. 2018].
X. Peng,  B. Usman,  N. Kaushik,  J. Hoffman, D.  Wang, and K. Saenko, “Visda:  The visual domain adaptation challenge,” 2017.

By |December 16th, 2018|News|Comments Off on MCL Research on Domain Adaptation|