Welcome New MCL Member – Jiawei Lin
1. Could you briefly introduce yourself and your research interests?
Hi, I’m Jiawei Lin, a rising senior currently studying Electrical Engineering at National Chiao Tung University located at Hsinchu, Taiwan. Back in Taiwan, I enjoy taking courses with more emphasis on the underlying theory, including physics, communication systems, and signal processing courses. These topics are in essence very different from what I’m currently working on here – face detection, making the internship experience challenging but rewarding. Outside the academics, I enjoy playing football, basketball, and singing.
2. What is your impression about MCL and USC?
Back in my university, more than 80 percent of the students major in science and technology related field. This led me to be particularly impressed with how diverse USC actually is. As for MCL, I feel grateful to be here! Prof. Kuo cares for all members in the lab, and members treat each other like family. In addition, activities, seminars, and group studies held here broaden my perspective, making them so inspiring.
3. What is your future expectation and plan in MCL?
I’m currently working on a face detection project using deep learning as the fundamental framework. Hopefully, at the end of the internship, I would have good understanding of deep learning and be able to apply some of that knowledge in future researches.