
MCL Research on Image Splicing Localization

With the advent of Web 2.0 and ubiquitous adoption of low-cost and high-resolution digital cameras, users upload and share images on a daily basis. This trend of public image distribution and access to user-friendly editing software such as Photoshop and GIMP has made image forgery a serious issue. Splicing is one of the most common types of image forgery. It manipulates images by copying a region from one image (i.e., the donor image) and pasting it onto another image (i.e., the host image). Forgers often use splicing to give a false impression that there is an additional object present in the image, or to remove an object from the image. Image splicing can be potentially used in generating false propaganda for political purposes. For example, during the 2004 U.S. presidential election campaign, an image that showed John Kerry and Jane Fonda speaking together at an anti-Vietnam war protest was released and circulated. It was discovered later that this was a spliced image, and was created for political purposes. The spliced image and the two original authentic images that were used to create the spliced image can be seen above.


Many of the current splicing detection algorithms only deduce whether a given image has been spliced and do not attempt to localize the spliced area. Relatively few algorithms attempt to tackle the splicing localization problem, which refers to the problem of determining which pixels in an image have been manipulated as a result of a splicing operation.


Ronald Salloum and Professor Jay Kuo are currently working on an image splicing localization research project. They are exploring the use of deep learning and data-driven techniques to develop an effective solution to the problem of image splicing localization. They [...]

By |February 19th, 2018|News, Research|Comments Off on MCL Research on Image Splicing Localization|
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    Congratulations to MCL Alumnus Dr. Eddy Wu for Joining Megvii/Face++

Congratulations to MCL Alumnus Dr. Eddy Wu for Joining Megvii/Face++

We would like to say congratulations to Dr. Eddy Wu for graduating from USC/MCL. He is going to join a start-up company in Seattle in 2018 February. He prepared a message about his job hunting experience to share with all MCL members, Alums and friends. We wish him the very best in his career at Magvii Research.

After graduating from MCL, I’ve decided to join Megvii Research USA as a senior research scientist. Megvii is a fast-growing unicorn startup company based in Beijing, China focusing on AI technologies. It is especially famous for its face recognition technology (known as Face++). Megvii research USA is a new branch located at Redmond WA, and is directed by Dr. Jue Wang ( The whole Megvii research is led by Dr. Jian Sun (

Joining a startup company is always risky, but I have a strong desire becoming part of Megvii for several reasons. First, I like fast-paced environments, and I enjoy the challenges of bringing latest computer vision and deep learning technologies to real-world applications. Secondly, Megvii has shown great successes in certain AI fields with their talented teams, and signs have shown that China may have potential to lead in AI development in the foreseeable future. Another reason is that my new role in Megvii also has a great match with my researches in MCL as well as my 6-year industrial experiences prior to my PhD study.

Job hunting is an exhausted process. I applied for, and interviewed with different types companies including big name ones, industrial research labs, and startup companies in different stages. I only targeted computer vision or deep learning roles, with different types (engineer/scientist) and levels. Although I got interview invitations from many companies, eventually [...]

By |February 14th, 2018|News|Comments Off on Congratulations to MCL Alumnus Dr. Eddy Wu for Joining Megvii/Face++|

MCL Research on Unsupervised Video Segmentation

We propose a method for unsupervised video object segmentation by transferring the knowledge encapsulated in image-based instance embedding networks. The instance embedding network produces an embedding vector for each pixel that enables identifying all pixels belonging to the same object. Though trained on static images, the instance embeddings are stable over consecutive video frames, which allow us to link objects together over time. Thus, we adapt the instance networks trained on static images to video object segmentation and incorporate the embeddings with objectness and optical flow features, without model retraining or online fine-tuning. The proposed method outperforms state-of-the-art unsupervised segmentation methods in the DAVIS dataset and the FBMS dataset.

The main contributions include

– A new strategy for adapting instance segmentation models trained on static images to videos. Notably, this strategy performs well on video datasets without requiring any video object segmentation annotations.

– Proposal of novel criteria for selecting a foreground object without supervision, based on semantic score and motion features over a track.

– Insights into the stability of instance segmentation embeddings over time.


By Siyang Li

By |February 12th, 2018|News, Research|Comments Off on MCL Research on Unsupervised Video Segmentation|

Welcome New MCL Member – Sibo Song

We are so happy to welcome a new Ph.D. member of MCL, Sibo Song. Here is an interview with  Sibo :
1. Could you briefly introduce yourself and your research interests?

My name is Sibo Song. I am currently a Ph.D. student at Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) and I received my Bachelor’s degree from Zhejiang University(ZJU) in Automation. My research interests include activity recognition, multi-modal data analysis, and deep learning.

2. What is your impression about MCL and USC?

I know MCL from Prof. Kuo when he visited Singapore and presented his recent works on Saak transform. Through the talking, I knew that MCL is one big family of many intelligent people who are willing to offer their help and enthusiastic about doing research. I just can’t wait to join MCL and meet them all. 

3. What is your future expectation and plan in MCL?

During the exchange, I plan to receive research training and investigate Saak transform on various applications such as generative model and adversarial attacks in image and video processing. Also, I hope that I can make more friends here in MCL and learn together with them.

By |February 4th, 2018|News|Comments Off on Welcome New MCL Member – Sibo Song|

Welcome New MCL Member – Tianxiao Zhang

We are so happy to welcome a new Master’s member of MCL, Tianxiao Zhang. Here is an interview with Tianxiao:

1. Could you briefly introduce yourself and your research interests?

I am Tianxiao Zhang, and I just graduated from USC in December 2017 and received my M.S. degree, and I joined the Media Communication Lab in January 2018, guided by professor C.-C. Jay Kuo. I love mathematics and programming and my research interests are deep learning and image processing. I think the future belongs to deep learning and deep learning belongs to image understanding. By the way, I love music and I am also a professional pianist. Hope I can combine these two different areas and do a good job in deep learning in the future.
2. What is your impression about MCL and USC?

MCL is like a great family and we have meetings for all MCL members every week. In the meeting, I could meet with other members and make friends with them. I really love the atmosphere in MCL, happy and friendly. What’s more, professor Kuo, the director of MCL, is not only an excellent professor but also a hard-working person. I have never seen any professor starting their work at 6:30 am in the morning until I meet professor Kuo. So I can learn a lot from professor Kuo not only the knowledge but also how to work hard. 
3. What is your future expectation and plan in MCL?

I will cooperate with other MCL members and follow the instructions of professor Kuo, and contribute as much as I can to the research in MCL, especially in deep learning.

By |January 27th, 2018|News|Comments Off on Welcome New MCL Member – Tianxiao Zhang|

Welcome New MCL Member Zhaolei Xiao!

We are so happy to welcome a new Master’s member of MCL, Zhaolei Xiao. Here is an interview with Zhaolei.

1. Could you briefly introduce yourself and your research interests?

My name is Zhaolei Xiao, come from the capital city of China, Beijing. I’m focusing on signal and image processing and this is my last semester in master’s program in USC. I like dealing with multimedia data: compress files, denoise a signal, and solve inpainting problem, etc., all of them give me a lot of fun. Moreover, after acquiring knowledge in machine learning field, like convolutional neural networks, building classifiers, I find it a new world to explore.

2. What is your impression about MCL and USC?

USC is the home of the Signal and Image Processing Institute (SIPI) and a leader over 40 years which is one of the reasons why I chose here to study. But not only that, professors are knowledgeable and helpful also in career, classmates are friendly and enthusiastic. I enjoy talking with them about academic and life.

I know MCL from Prof. Kuo who is my professor of the course Multimedia Data Compression that MCL likes a family, everyone helps each other and get progress together. I’m looking forward to making friends with all of them and doing cooperative research. It must be very pleasant.

3. What is your future expectation and plan in MCL?

Since I’m interested in compression and machine learning, Prof. Kuo’s project of joint compression and understanding catch my eyes. I treasure this opportunity very much and want to go deep into this application.

By |January 21st, 2018|News|Comments Off on Welcome New MCL Member Zhaolei Xiao!|

Welcome New MCL Member Yijing Yang!

We are so happy to welcome a new Master’s member of MCL, Yijing Yang. Here is an interview with Yijing:

1. Could you briefly introduce yourself and your research interests?

I’m Yijing Yang, currently a Master’s student in Electrical Engineering at University of Southern California. My emphasis during graduate study is signal processing. Now my interests have gradually specialized in image processing and deep learning. I hope that one day I can apply the knowledge I learnt in these areas to solving multimedia data processing and object detection problems.

2. What is your impression about MCL and USC?

MCL is enriched with knowledge, resources, and friendships. Team members always work together and are willing to help each other to move forward. I can feel the strong enthusiasm from every researcher here. I’d like to join them and make progress.

3. What is your future expectation and plan in MCL?

I hope that I can learn more about image processing and deep learning, and improve my abilities in doing research. I also hope to make new friends in the lab and make some contribution to the project as well.

By |January 14th, 2018|News|Comments Off on Welcome New MCL Member Yijing Yang!|

Welcome New MCL Member Dr. Xiaoguang Li!

We are so happy to welcome a new Visiting Scholar, Dr. Xiaoguang Li, this Spring 2018. Let us hear what he would like to talk about his research and MCL.

1. Could you briefly introduce yourself and your research interests?

I am Xiaoguang Li, a teacher from Beijing University of Technology. I received my Ph. D degree in circuit and system from the Beijing University of Technology in 2008. I was a Research Assistant at Hong Kong Polytechnic University in 2006, 2007 and 2009 and a Visiting Scholar at the University of Sydney from Feb. to Jul. 2012. My research interests include image super resolution, face hallucination, high dynamic range image processing, and medical image analysis.

2. What is your impression about MCL and USC?

MCL is a large group with so many students. What surprised me is that the daily affairs of the laboratory are arranged in such an orderly manner. I think it should be thanks to the culture of MCL and the good self-organization of his members. I am also deeply influenced by Professor Kuo’s passion for his research.

The campus of USC is very beautiful.

3. What is your future expectation and plan in MCL?

I cherish the time in MCL very much. During this year, I would like to try my best to broaden my horizon, to consider my academic thoughts, and to improve my ability of doing high quality research. And as well as make friends with all the members of MCL. I appreciate Prof. Kuo for providing me with such a good opportunity to visit USC and MCL.

By |January 7th, 2018|News|Comments Off on Welcome New MCL Member Dr. Xiaoguang Li!|

Happy New Year – 2018

2017 has been a fruitful year for MCL. Some members graduated with impressive research work and began a new chapter of life. Some new students joined the MCL family and explored the joy of research. MCL members have made great efforts on their research and published quality research papers on top journals and conferences.

Wish all MCL members a happy new year.

Image credits: Photo 1: “2018 Happy New Year” by Yousef Maree, used under CC BY-SA 2.0 / Resized with white padding on the borders; Photo 2: “An Other Move to Success Happy New Year” by Salt Lake County Youth Services, used under CC BY-SA 2.0 / Resized with black padding on the borders.

By |December 29th, 2017|News|Comments Off on Happy New Year – 2018|

MCL Research Honored at APSIPA ASC 2017

The 9th Asia Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association (APSIPA) Annual Summit and Conference (ASC), or APSIPA ASC 2017 in short, was held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, from Dec. 11-14, 2017. Research conducted at MCL has received a lot of attention at this conference.
First, MCL Director, Professor C.-C. Jay Kuo was the keynote speaker on December 14. The title of his talk is “Why Deep Learning Networks Work So Well?” His talk was very well attended. He received enthusiastic feedback from the audience. Although deep learning is very hot these days, there is little theoretical justification. Professor Kuo’s keynote provided insights into the working principle behind CNNs and also pointed out ways to improve its shortcomings by introducing the Saak transform.
Second, two MCL papers received honors at the conference. The paper entitled with “Understanding CNN via Deep Feature Analysis” by Hao Xu, Yueru Chen, Ruiyuan Lin and C.-C. Jay Kuo received the best paper award. The poster presentation on “Age/Gender Classification with Whole-Component Convolutional Neural Networks” (by Chun-Ting Huang, Yueru Chen, Ruiyuan Lin and C.-C. Jay Kuo) won the Springer best poster book prize. Both Hao Xu and Chun-Ting Huang were MCL alumni. Hao Xu is currently working at Google while Chun-Ting is a research engineer at Qualcomm.

By |December 18th, 2017|News|Comments Off on MCL Research Honored at APSIPA ASC 2017|