Author: Xiaqing Pan and C.-C. Jay Kuo
Research Problem
3-D Object Classification & Retrieval problem can be stated as identifying a correct class or retrieve relevant objects for a query object. In the past years, researchers developed several useful signatures to describe 3-D objects in a compact way. They focused on global description, graph description and local description. However, most of these signatures cannot handle a generic database well because of their limitations on differentiating 3-D objects in different shapes, poses and surface properties. My research is aiming to develop a sophisticated signature and a complete classification and retrieval scheme to produce high retrieval performance and classification accuracy on a generic database.
Main Ideas
Global signatures such as [1] [2] [3] try to handle capture the global shape basis in a 3-D object but lose the details. Local signature such as [4] starts from local salient points and then builds up a statistical signature for an entire mesh but it is not robust under large shape variance. Graph signatures extract the topological information from a mesh and analyze it but only effective to limited cases. Our idea is going to conquer the limitations from the previous researches and design a natural description for 3-D objects, which highly complies with human perception.

Future Challenges
Challenges will be conquered in the future.
- Ability to differentiate and group objects with different and similar shapes
- Robustness under large pose changes
- Adaptiveness to variance in surface properties
- [1] Osada R, Funkhouser T, Chazelle B, Dobkin D (2002) Shape distributions. ACM Trans Graph 21(4):807–832
- [2] Shen Y-T, Chen D-Y, Tian X-P, Ouhyoung M (2003) 3D model search engine based on lightfield descriptors. In: Proc. eurographics 2003
- [3] Kazhdan M, Funkhouser T, Rusinkiewicz S (2003) Rotation invariant spherical harmonic representation of 3D shape descriptors. In: Proc. Symposium on geometry processing
- [4] Alexander M. Bronstein, Michael M. Bronstein, Leonidas J. Guibas, and Maks Ovsjanikov. 2011. Shape google: Geometric words and expressions for invariant shape retrieval. ACM Trans. Graph.30, 1, Article 1 (February 2011), 20 pages.
- [5] R. Toldo, U. Castellani, and A. Fusiello. 2009. Visual vocabulary signature for 3D object retrieval and partial matching. In Proceedings of the 2nd Eurographics conference on 3D Object Retrieval(EG 3DOR’09)