
Welcome New MCL Member – Hong-Shuo Chen

We are so happy to welcome a new undergraduate member of MCL, Hong-Shuo Chen. Here is an interview with Hong-Shuo:

1. Could you briefly introduce yourself and your research interests?

I am Hong-Shuo Chen, and my English name is Max. Before coming to USC, I got my bachelor degree from Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at National Chiao Tung University in Taiwan. I like coding, math and everything about engineering. It gives me great pleasure to come to MCL as a Ph.D. student. My research interests are image segmentation and texture analysis. The world of the computer vision is very broad that I want to explore more in this field.

2. What is your impression about MCL and USC?

USC is a top university of this world and MCL is really a cooperative and strong lab. I like this beautiful campus and really enjoy doing research in MCL. Professor Kuo is really a good mentor. He takes care of all the members in the lab and also has profound knowledge and experience. I really appreciate having this opportunity to learn and study in MCL.

3. What is your future expectation and plan in MCL?

With the guidance of Professor Kuo, I believe I can dive into the world of computer vision deeply and thoroughly, and become expert in the signal processing and machine learning. In the future, I hope I can become a professional engineer, solve problems of this world independently and make some contribution to this society.

By |October 6th, 2019|News|Comments Off on Welcome New MCL Member – Hong-Shuo Chen|

Welcome New MCL Member – Hongyu Fu

We are so happy to welcome a new graduate member of MCL, Hongyu Fu. Here is an interview with Hongyu:

1. Could you briefly introduce yourself and your research interests?
My name is Hongyu Fu, before becoming a PhD student in USC, I got my bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from Peking University. My past research experience focuses mostly on semiconductor device physics and circuits, while exploring device and circuit based neuromorphic computing and machine learning topics, I have heard more and more about computer vision, AI and machine learning, which are always my keen interest that I haven’t got chances to learn before. Therefore, I really appreciate Prof. Kuo for giving me this opportunity to study in MCL and explore more in this exciting area.
2. What is your impression about MCL and USC?
I really love the beautiful campus, friendly atmosphere and enjoy the convenient facilities of USC. We have a fight-on spirit as Trojans, which makes USC a great network and everyone in this network passionate and motivated. MCL is a large and efficient group with a hard-working spirit and intelligent students with solid skills and deep knowledge under the supervision of Prof. Kuo, who is a very nice and responsible advisor profound in knowledge and research.

3. What is your future expectation and plan in MCL?
I will definitely work hard, learn solid skills of math, problems solving and research and hope to contribute to MCL in the future. I wish that in the near future, the MCL group and myself would have a solid standing in the machine learning and computer vision community and contribute to the improvement of this field.

By |September 29th, 2019|News|Comments Off on Welcome New MCL Member – Hongyu Fu|

MCL Research on Robot Learning

Title: Robot Learning via Human Adversarial Games
Author: Jiali Duan

Much work in robotics has focused on “humanin-the-loop” learning techniques that improve the efficiency of the learning process. However, these algorithms have made the strong assumption of a cooperating human supervisor that assists the robot. In reality, human observers tend to also act in an adversarial manner towards deployed robotic systems. We show that this can in fact improve the robustness of the learned models by proposing a physical framework that leverages perturbations applied by a human adversary, guiding the robot towards more robust models. In a manipulation task, we show that grasping success improves significantly when the robot trains with a human adversary as compared to training in a self-supervised manner. We validate our approach in a self-brewed simulator for human-robot interaction. Our work has been selected as Best Paper Finalist for IROS 2019 and more details can be found at:

Before training:


After training:

By |September 22nd, 2019|News|Comments Off on MCL Research on Robot Learning|

Congratulations to Yueru Chen for Passing Her PhD Defense

The thesis is entitled “Object Classification Based on Neural-Network-Inspired Image Transforms”.

Abstract of the thesis:

Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have recently demonstrated impressive performance in image classification and change the way building feature extractors from carefully handcrafted design to automatically deep learned from a large labeled dataset. However, a great majority of current CNN literature are application-oriented, and there is no clear understanding and theoretical foundation to explain the outstanding performance and indicate the way to improve. In this thesis, we focus on solving the image classification problem-based on the neural-network-inspired transforms.

Being motivated by the multilayer RECOS (REctified-COrrelations on a Sphere) transform, two data-driven signal transforms are proposed, called the “Subspace approximation with augmented kernels” (Saak) transform and “Subspace approximation with adjusted bias” (Saab) transform corresponding to each Convolutional layers in CNNs. Based on the Saak transform, We firstly proposed an efficient, scalable and robust approach to the handwritten digits recognition problem. Next, we also develop an ensemble method using Saab transform to solve the image classification problem. The ensemble method fuses the output decision vectors of Saab-transform-based decision system. To enhance the performance of the ensemble system, it is critical to increasing the diversity of FF-CNN models. To achieve this objective, we introduce diversities by adopting three strategies: 1) different parameter settings in convolutional layers, 2) flexible feature subsets fed into the Fully-connected (FC) layers, and 3) multiple image embeddings of the same input source.  We also extend our ensemble method to semi-supervised learning. Since unlabeled data may not always enhance semi-supervised learning, we define an effective quality score and use it to select a subset of unlabeled data in the training process. In the last, we proposed a unified framework, called successive subspace learning [...]

By |September 15th, 2019|News|Comments Off on Congratulations to Yueru Chen for Passing Her PhD Defense|

MCL Research on Graph Embedding

Graph is a data representation model. Each data point is considered as a node and an edge/connection exists between nodes if there is any common characteristics. The relationship that exists between nodes is complex and attracts research in this domain. Several techniques have been developed like Deep Walk, Planetoid, Chebyshev, Graph Convolution Network, Graph Attention Network, Large Scale Graph Convolution Network, and so on, which focuse on exploring the behavior of the nodes based on their connectivity to different nodes. Graph models are often designed for tasks like Node classification, Edge/Link prediction, and has varied applications in social network, citation networks.

Currently we are developing a Graph Neural Network model for node classification task of a Graph. Feedforward based approach is adopted to learn the network parameters in a single forward pass using Graph Hop Method. The main idea is to learn the node’s representation making use of their hop’s (neighboring node’s) representation to better represent and learn from local to global attribute perspective through information exchange between the hops, by subsequently growing the dimension of the feature vector and reducing the dimensionality using SaaB transform.

Unlike the methods/techniques which are already developed, our model’s computational complexity is very low for the fact that no back propagation is utilized for learning the parameters of the network model, but through feedforward design the model learns in a single forward pass. The Graph Hop Method serves as a unique method for driving the model to train on very less training samples yet provide better accuracies/results for testing samples. Thus, the model is capable to train on very limited labelled data. Making use of only 5% of training samples, we are able to achieve the state of art performance [...]

By |September 8th, 2019|News|Comments Off on MCL Research on Graph Embedding|

MCL Research on Image-based Object Recognition

The subspace technique has been widely used in signal/image processing, pattern recognition, computer vision, etc. It may have different definitions in different contexts. A subspace may denote a dominant feature space where less relevant features are dropped. One example is the principal component analysis (PCA). A subspace may also refer to a certain object class such as the subspace of digit “0” in the MNIST dataset.  Generally speaking, subspace methods offer a powerful and popular tool for signal analysis, modeling and processing.  They exploit statistical properties of a class of underlying signals so as to determine a smaller yet significant subspace for further processing.

However, existing subspace methods are conducted in a single stage.  We may wonder whether there is any advantage to perform subspace methods in multiple stages. Research on generalizing from one-stage subspace methods to multi-stage subspace methods is actually rare.  Two PCA stages are cascaded in a straightforward manner in the PCAnet[1]. Being motivated by multiple convolutional layers in convolutional neural networks (CNNs), Prof. Kuo proposed a new machine learning paradigm, called successive subspace learning (SSL). It has multiple subspace modules in cascade by mimicking the feedforward CNN operations, and the parameters of subspace transformation are learned from the training data.  Although there is a strong similarity between the feedforward paths of CNNs and the SSL approach, they are fundamentally different in the machine learning model formulation, the training process and complexity.

To illustrate the SSL approach furthermore, Yueru Chen and Prof. Kuo proposed a PixelHop method based on SSL for image-based object recognition. It consists of three steps: 1) local-to-global attributes of images are extracted through multi-hop information exchange, 2) subspace-based dimensionality reduction (SDR) is adopted to new image representation from each [...]

By |September 2nd, 2019|News|Comments Off on MCL Research on Image-based Object Recognition|

MCL Research on Texture Analysis & Modeling

Texture is a one of the most fundamental yet important characteristic of images, and texture analysis & modeling is an essential and challenging problem in computer vision and pattern recognition, which has attracted extensive research attention over the last several decades.

As a powerful visual cue, texture play an important role in human perception, and provides useful information in identifying objects or regions in images, ranging from multispectral satellite data to microscopic images of tissue samples. Besides, understanding texture is also a key component in many other computer vision topics, including image de-noising, image super-resolution and image generation.

In the past few years, MCL has done original research works in several important aspects of texture analysis & modeling, including texture representation, unsupervised texture segmentation, and dynamic texture synthesis.

Texture Representation[1]: A hierarchical spatial-spectral correlation (HSSC) method is proposed for texture analysis in this work. The HSSC method first applies a multi-stage spatial-spectral transform to input texture patches, which is known as the Saak transform. Then, it conducts a correlation analysis on Saak transform coefficients to obtain texture features of high discriminant power. During the correlation analysis, both auto-correlation and cross-correlation are computed, and further used to get compact and representative feature for texture. Given the fact that texture is the spatial organization of a set of basic patterns, we further provide theoretical explanation of proposed method, that it attempts to capture the energy distribution of orthogonal texture patterns derived from the Saak transform. This paper has been accepted by ICIP2019.

Unsupervised Texture Segmentation[2]: We propose a data-centric approach to efficiently extract and represent textural information for unsupervised texture segmentation problem. Based on the strong self-similarities and quasi-periodicity in texture images, the proposed method first constructs a representative texture [...]

By |August 25th, 2019|News|Comments Off on MCL Research on Texture Analysis & Modeling|

Welcome New MCL Member Jiazhi Li

We are so glad to welcome our new MCL member, Jiazhi Li! Jiazhi is a summer intern in MCL. Here is a short interview with Jiazhi:

1. Could you briefly introduce yourself and your research interests?

My name is Jiazhi Li, a graduate student in Department of Electrical and Engineering of USC. I grew up in Beijing, the capital of China. I received my bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from Beijing Institute of Technology. During that time, I have worked in Research Group of Medical Information Processing. What’s more, in summer 2017, I have worked in Advanced Integrated Cyber-Physical Systems (AICPS) in University of California, Irvine. After these experiences, I found my interests in computer vision and autonomous driving.

2. What is your impression about MCL and USC?

I have been USC for two semesters, and I’m really impressed by the diversity of USC. The MCL is really a big warm family. The weekly report and weekly meeting push me make progress every week. Also, the pizza party before the seminar encloses the MCL member. What’s more, the seminar is very impressive. One hour per week gives a quick look about research topic of other member, which really extend my interests.

3. What is your future expectation and plan in MCL?

The experiences to do research and learn from other members in MCL is really a treasure for me. I will keep going. Stay hungry for more methods and theories of computer vision and machine learning. What’s more, I will take full advantage of the opportunity to study under the supervision of Prof. Jay Kuo. I believe such experiences will give me a lot in further future.


By |August 18th, 2019|News|Comments Off on Welcome New MCL Member Jiazhi Li|

Welcome New MCL Member Wenxuan Li

We are so glad to welcome our new MCL member, Wenxuan Li! Wenxuan is a summer intern in MCL. Here is a short interview with Wenxuan:

1. Could you briefly introduce yourself and your research interests?

My name is Wenxuan Li. I’m a graduate student pursuing master’s degree in Electrical Engineering at USC. I am from a city called Nanjing, which is in the eastern part of China. Prior to coming to USC, I achieved my bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering and Automation from Beijing Institute of Technology, 2017. I found my strong interest in machine learning during my curriculum study in EE program. I am also fascinated by image processing problems.

2. What is your impression about MCL and USC?

I was deeply impressed by the beautiful campus when I came to USC for the first time. Students here are full of confidence and passion for learning. USC also offers us great opportunities both in industry and academia. MCL is like a family that strongly connects its members. Everyone here not only focuses on their research topics but also is willing to share and offer help. MCL gives the opportunities to challenge ourselves with frontier research problems

3. What is your future expectation and plan in MCL?

I am working on style transfer topic this summer and hope to learn more about generative model and feature extraction of neural networks. MCL is a great platform to meet people and gain skills. Under insightful guidance from Prof. Kuo and thoughtful advice from PhD mentors, I will quickly expand and improve necessary skills for research.


By |August 11th, 2019|News|Comments Off on Welcome New MCL Member Wenxuan Li|

Welcome New MCL Member Shiyu Mou

We are so glad to welcome our new MCL member, Shiyu Mou! Shiyu is a summer intern in MCL. Here is a short interview with Shiyu:

1. Could you briefly introduce yourself and your research interests?

My name is Shiyu Mou, I am a second-year graduate student at USC pursuing a Master’s degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering. I developed a passion for computer vision since undergrad and I started to work on learning-based computer vision projects since grad school, especially 3D computer vision. I’ve been researching on real-world projects for a while now. My previous research experiences include learning-based 3D shape inpainting and 3D human pose estimation from videos.

2. What is your impression about MCL and USC?

MCL is a creative community. Students in the Lab led by Prof. Kuo have the courage to work on something new. They always think things mathematically and logically. During the summer, I am involved in a company project with my mentors and we are trying to overcome some serious real-world challenges. Prof. Kuo is also super supportive and he always brings up creative inspirations for our problems. It’s been a great pleasure to work in MCL.

3. What is your future expectation and plan in MCL?

I am working on a summer project on object classification. Hope I can finish this project with some milestones. I enjoyed my summer internship here and would definitely like to come back MCL in the future.


By |August 4th, 2019|News|Comments Off on Welcome New MCL Member Shiyu Mou|