
Welcome New MCL Member Ruiyuan Lin

We are so glad to welcome Ruiyuan Lin to join our group as a Ph.D. student, starting from Fall 2016 . Here is an interview with Ruiyuan.

1. Could you briefly introduce yourself? (Previous research experience, project experience, research interest and expertise)
 I received my BEng degree in Information Engineering from City University of Hong Kong in July 2016. My previous project experiences are mainly in the field of image processing and computer vision. I also have strong interest in seismic signal processing.


2. What’s your first impression of USC and MCL?
 People in MCL are all very nice and helpful. I have received a lot of help from them since I joined the group. Also, MCL members are all very enthusiastic about their research and work really hard.


3. What’s your future expectation for MCL?
 I wish to make good friends with other members. And I hope to learn a lot of new stuff and get involved in cool research.

By |September 18th, 2016|News|Comments Off on Welcome New MCL Member Ruiyuan Lin|

Entrepreneurship Course Presentations

During past summer, Professor Kuo taught the Entrepreneurship course for summer interns. We are so glad to have presentations on companies from summer interns. Here are interviews with three interns

Yiyue Zhang:
The company I choose to present is the Pokemon Company, which is a joint investment from Nintendo, Game Freak, and Creatures. This company was established in 1998. And it is famous of Pokemon TV series, Pokemon games, and the Pokemon Go App nowadays. The success of Pokemon Go App leads to a significant increase in the company’s stock. I think it is worth for me to investigate how and why this App can attract our attention so quickly and world widely. In this case study, I will introduce about the Pokemon Company, and focus on pros and cons from the success of this App, as well as the future of this company.

The company I plan to introduce today is SenseTime, which is a start-up company focusing on the field of Computer Vision and Deep Learning. Founded in 2014, SenseTime is a young company but grows quickly. So in my entrepreneurship presentation, I would give some background information about SenseTime first as most people are not familiar with it. Then I would introduce some critical people and the core techniques of this company. Finally I would discuss its key to success and potential challenges in the future.
Di Fu:
My Case Study is about Micro-Star International(MSI), a Taiwanese information technology multinational. Initially MSI sell the motherboard as their main product and then extend its market to the garphics card, notepad and pc. Facing the crisis around 2010 the discent of profit on motherboard. MSI  began to change its focus from motherboard to the e-sport and [...]

By |September 11th, 2016|News|Comments Off on Entrepreneurship Course Presentations|

Welcome New MCL Member Yeji Shen

We are so happy to welcome a new Ph.D. student, Yeji Shen, in fall 2016. Here is an interview with him.


1. Could you briefly introduce yourself?  (Previous research/project experience, research interest and expertise)

Before becoming a Ph.D. student in USC, I got my bachelor degree in Computer Science from Peking University. My past research experience includes Image Quality Assessment (IQA), a little bit on Computational Neuroscience and a few on Computer Vision (CV) and Deep Learning. I have published one paper on IQA under the supervision of Prof. Tingting Jiang. She is also the advisor of my bachelor thesis. I was having a wonderful experience last summer in Carnegie Mellon University working with Prof. Tai Sing Lee on an EEG based project. My research interest is mainly about exploring the essentials of Machine Learning (ML) theory and applying ML techniques to multiple areas like CV, or ultimately speaking, the Artificial Intelligence. I was having strong programming skills 🙂 but relatively thin knowledge in mathematics and statistics where I am trying to improve through the training of Ph.D. program. Personally, I play baseball / softball and possess some skills in Slow Pitch. I like games and animations.


2. What’s your first impression of USC and MCL?

USC has a beautiful campus which stands head and shoulders above the environment nearby. Convenient facilities, gyms and fountains are everywhere. She is a university with history and culture. I am looking forward to becoming a proud Trojan nourished by USC.

MCL is an awesome and prospering research group having more than 20 friendly and hardworking members. Everything goes well under the supervision of Prof. Kuo. Prof. Kuo is profound in knowledge and research. He is a very nice advisor and also a senior worthy [...]

By |September 10th, 2016|News|Comments Off on Welcome New MCL Member Yeji Shen|
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    Congratulations to Yuzhuo Ren for Passing Her Qualifying Exam

Congratulations to Yuzhuo Ren for Passing Her Qualifying Exam

Yuzhuo Ren successfully passed her PhD Qualifying Exam on August 29, 2016. The title of her Ph.D. thesis proposal is “Outdoor and Indoor Layout Estimation Using Machine Learning Techniques”. Her Qualifying Exam committee consisted of Jay Kuo (Chair), Sandy Sawchuk, Antonio Ortega, Panos Georgiou and Aiichro Nakano (Outside Member).

In her proposal, two systems are proposed to address outdoor layout estimation problem and indoor layout estimation problem. A global-attributes assisted labeling (GAL) system is proposed to address outdoor layout estimation problem. The proposed GAL system exploits both local features and global attributes, which consists of three stages, namely, initial pixel labeling, global attributes extraction and label refinement.  A coarse-to-fine indoor layout estimation (CFILE) method is proposed. The proposed CFILE method combines bottom-up knowledge from deep learning with top-down prior knowledge. The proposed GAL system and CFILE system achieve state-of-the-art performance.

By |September 7th, 2016|News|Comments Off on Congratulations to Yuzhuo Ren for Passing Her Qualifying Exam|

MCL Members Shared Summer Internship Experiences

In summer 2016, four MCL members—Siyang Li, Chen Chen, Shangwen Li, and Jian Li—worked for Google, Facebook (Chen and Shangwen), and Apple respectively as summer interns. We are so glad to have them share their internship experience.


1. How was working in Apple/Facebook/Google?

Jian: The working environment and atmosphere in Apple are amazing but very unique when having Internship at Apple. You can work with smart people all around the world, who are friendly and helpful. Mentors and managers work closely with interns so that we can make contributions. I was working as a R&D role, which I enjoyed a lot. Moreover, you can also find good work and life balance here since there were several special events only for Apple summer interns.
Siyang Li: This was my second intern at Google, so everything went quite smoothly. My colleagues were friendly and helpful. Whenever I got stuck, my host answered my question quickly and pointed to helpful resources. Life there was easy, as almost everything (food, gym, laundry) was free. I guess this is Google’s trick to make you more concentrated on work.
Chen and Shangwen: It is firstly excited to get into Facebook—one of the top IT company in the work. On the first day of our training session, we met a lot of young genius from top Universities. We started to feel pressure from then. In the company, everyone is smart and diligent. That makes the moving pace extremely fast for the whole team. It is good to visualize, experience and push the high speed and learn from the genius around us. On the other side, there is still a lot of fun during the time we are in Facebook. There are many interesting [...]

By |September 4th, 2016|News|Comments Off on MCL Members Shared Summer Internship Experiences|

MCL Members Had a Trip to Huntington Library

On August 17, 2016, MCL held a group excursion to the Huntington Library, Art Collection and Botanical Gardens.

The Huntington Library, Art Collection and Botanical Gardens is a research and educational institute established in 1919 by Henry E. and Arabella Huntington. Its library is one of the largest and most complete research libraries in the United States in British and American history and literature. Covering 129 arces, the Botanical Gardens have more than a dozen specialized gardens, among which the most remarkable are the Japanese Garden, the Chinese Garden, the Rose Garden.

The visit started with a guided-tour through the Rose Garden, the Japanese Garden, the Chinese Garden and the Conservatory. During the guided-tour, MCL members not only enjoyed the wonderful views in the gardens, but also learned the history of the Huntington and appreciated different unique cultures. The tour continued with a nice walk in other specialized gardens such as the Desert Garden, the Lily Ponds, the Subtropical Garden. The visit ended with the library exhibits in a wide range from literature to science.

By |August 29th, 2016|News|Comments Off on MCL Members Had a Trip to Huntington Library|
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    MCL interns and students gave their Entrepreneurship Course Presentations

MCL interns and students gave their Entrepreneurship Course Presentations

Four MCL students presented their case studies case studies on successful companies. Their impressive presentations shared fundamental business knowledge and rich experience on technology and business innovations.

De Lan presented HTC Corporation. HTC is a consumer electronics company selling hardware mainly including smart-phones, tablets and VR devices. In early stage, HTC made many great breakthroughs that contribute to today’s smartphone market. In this presentation, He went through HTC’s glorious history and then focused on the comparison of HTC with other mobile phone industry giants and the reason analysis of HTC’s falling in smartphone market, which can be concluded as strong competitors, market loss and vague product positioning. And then he threw the idea that to return glory, HTC should overcome those drawbacks and adjust its marketing strategy to adapt different market environments and grasp the hope of VR business tightly.

Chuanzi He presented Pandora. Pandora, powered by Music Genome Project, is an Internet radio company which feeds you personalized good music. Music Genome Project is Pandora’s secret recipe for maintaining a large group of loyal active users. Based on an algorithm taking into account of your musical taste and more than 450 hand-crafted musicological features or genes, it always manages to make a satisfactory decision on what to play next for you. In her case study, she analyzed the “freedium” business model of Pandora, its struggles with royalties, its competitors and opportunities for Pandora to further branch out.

Eric Hsieh introduced Din Tai Fung Restaurant, which is famous for its steamed dumplings. There are always crowded at the entrance of this restaurant, why is it so attractive to everyone? He helped us to find it out!

Yueru Chen introduced Tencent which is one of the largest internet company in the [...]

By |August 19th, 2016|News|Comments Off on MCL interns and students gave their Entrepreneurship Course Presentations|

Interview with MCL Summer Intern Student Eric Hsieh

In summer 2016, MCL welcomes a new intern student, Eric Hsieh. We gave him a warm welcome and had a short interview with him.

1.Could you briefly introduce yourself? (Previous research experience, project experience, research interest and expertise)

Hello everyone, I am Eric (HsiangChih, Hsieh). I am a graduate student studying computer science in USC. I worked on a project of 3D pet fish, which is a Motion Sensing Game using Kinect to capture the hand gesture. I am interested in computer graphics. Hope I can come up with something awesome in the future.

2. What’s your first impression of USC and MCL?

To me, USC is a nice place where I cannot wait to explore it and MCL is a place “where amazing happens.” Since the summer intern project began, I’d learned so many precious experience and met so many awesome classmates. Members in the MCL are willing to help each other and the atmosphere here is really nice.

3. What’s your future expectation for MCL?

I think prof. Kuo had already set a really good core value for the MCL lab. With prof. Kuo’s leading and every members’ effort. I believe that MCL will have a bright future as long as everyone in the lab keeping their faith and working as a high efficiency team. Fight on!

By |August 14th, 2016|News|Comments Off on Interview with MCL Summer Intern Student Eric Hsieh|

Interview with MCL Summer Intern Student De Lan

In summer 2016, MCL welcomes a new intern student, De Lan. We gave him a warm welcome and had a short interview with him.

1. Could you briefly introduce yourself? (Previous research experience, project experience, research interest and expertise)

Hi, I’m De Lan from Sichuan provence in China, now studying at Department of Electronic Engineering of BUAA (Beihang University), Beijing, China. I’ll be a senior student soon next semester. I took part in a research project in my university, focusing on human eye saliency prediction in video. I am interested in Computer Vision and Machine Learning. I find them really  intriguing and promising. And that’s why I came here this summer.


2. What’s your first impression of USC and MCL?

There were some intimidating rumors about USC before I came here. However, through what I’ve experienced, I find this place really nice. A big campus with fantastic museums and exhibition hall, many large comfortable libraries and beautiful campus landscaping. And everyone here is friendly. Especially in MCL, members are always prepared to help each other, although we just met the first time for most of us.


3. What’s your future expectation for MCL?

MCL is like a united big family guided by Prof.Kuo ,everyone is great and working hard. I hope to make more friends and learn more about computer vision here in the rest time of this summer.  And I believe MCL members are going to make good news in academic world!

By |August 7th, 2016|News|Comments Off on Interview with MCL Summer Intern Student De Lan|

Interview with MCL Summer Intern Student Di Fu

In summer 2016, MCL welcomes a new intern student, Di Fu. We gave him a warm welcome and had a short interview with him.

1. Could you briefly introduce yourself? (Previous research experience, project experience, research interest and expertise)

I am Di Fu from Department of Physics, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China. My major is physic and I also minor in computer science. I am a junior student and will go through my fourth year in the university soon. I have research experience in 3-D reconstruction and my research interest is computer vision and computational photography. For my hobby, I like playing basketball. I was the captain of the basketball team of our department and won second prize in university’s basketball championship. I am also interested in detective novels with multiple tricks inside it.


2. What’s your first impression of USC and MCL?

USC is a really great university. I am fortunate to be here, to walk through the beautiful campus, to breathe the fresh air and to chat with smart persons. MCL is even better. Professor Kuo is really kind and everyone works hard here. I enjoy staying here and I learn a lot from my mentors and other students here.


3. What’s your future expectation for MCL?

First, I appreciate that Professor Kuo provides me with this chance to study in MCL this summer. Thanks to him, I meet many people here and I feel happy to spend this memorable summer with them. For the future, I believe MCL is getting better under the guidance of Professor Kuo. I hope to have the chance to come back.

By |July 31st, 2016|News|Comments Off on Interview with MCL Summer Intern Student Di Fu|