
Interview with MCL Summer Intern Student Weiqi Fang

In summer 2016, MCL welcomes a new intern student, Weiqi Fang. We gave him a warm welcome and had a short interview with him.

1. Could you briefly introduce yourself? (Previous research experience, project experience, research interest and expertise)

I come from Shenzhen, China and major in Electronic Engineering in Tsinghua University, Beijing, China. I am now in my Junior year, and gonna be a Senior Student next semester. I have interned in Nanyang Technological University, Singapore the last summer, doing works on speech signal analysis. My research interest is image processing, including image detection, image classification and so on. I am very interested in image detection, especially face detection.
I have a variety of hobbies, including tennis, basketball, watching movies, hobby collection and so on.
2. What’s your first impression of USC and MCL?

I think that MCL is a very warm and positive group. Students here are all very kind and helpful. Everybody works hard. I feel honored and am very glad to be here as a part of MCL.


3. What’s your future expectation for MCL?

I wish to learn more about CNN and wish to be able to work out some project by the time I am leaving here. I am looking forward to make friends with you all and make progress in image processing field.

By |July 24th, 2016|News|Comments Off on Interview with MCL Summer Intern Student Weiqi Fang|

Interview with MCL Summer Intern Student Chuanzi He

We are so happy to welcome a senior undergraduate student –Chuanzi He to our lab in 2016 summer. Let us hear what she said about the intern in our group.

1. Could you briefly introduce yourself? (Previous research experience, project experience, research interest and expertise)
I am a senior undergraduate from Fudan University, Shanghai. My research experience starts with image processing — single image haze removal algorithm, which is to restore haze-free images from hazy ones. In order to solve one segmentation problem in dehazing, I went to learn more about computer vision and machine learning techniques, which lately became my research interest. They are just so fascinating.

2.What’s your first impression of USC and MCL?

Encountered a fluffy squirrel near EEB the first day I came! This is a lively campus with beautiful architecture. MCL people are nice, insightful and helpful. Really appreciate those carefully-prepared summer courses and all the help they offered. Other summer interns are also helpful and diligent. It is so great that I could spend a whole summer with this group of bright individuals.

3. What’s your future expectation for MCL?

I hope to gain more insights in deep learning architectures and to strengthen my background in visual recognition.

By |July 23rd, 2016|News|Comments Off on Interview with MCL Summer Intern Student Chuanzi He|

Interview with MCL Summer Intern Student Xinyao Chen

We are so happy to welcome a new junior undergraduate student –Xinyao Chen to our lab in 2016 summer. Let us hear what she said about the intern in our group.

1. Could you briefly introduce yourself? (Previous research experience, project experience, research interest and expertise)
I’m a 3rd year undergraduate student from Tsinghua University. I major in Electronic Engineering. During my last three years, most of the research I took part in focused on encoding and image/video processing. But I’m also very enthusiastic about trying something new! I’ve basically learned something about machine learning and neural network on the course Media and Recognition and I found them fascinating. Maybe that’s why I came here.

2.What’s your first impression of USC and MCL?

USC is a very beautiful place, and it’s much bigger than I thought! I always got lost on the first few days. There are lots of fountains here and the buildings all look so different from those in Tsinghua. MCL is warm, all the internship students and members I’ve met are really very warm-hearted. The mini courses are teaching me lots of skills and tools that I’ve never learned before. Looking forward to the next 2 months here.

3. What’s your future expectation for MCL?

As my previous research experience was mainly about video coding and image processing, the field of CNN will be a great challenge for me. I hope the research experience at MCL will help me build systematic knowledge about CNN and deep learning. I would also treasure the research experience itself.

By |July 12th, 2016|News|Comments Off on Interview with MCL Summer Intern Student Xinyao Chen|

MCL Member Attended CVPR 2016 in Las Vegas

Yuzhuo Ren attended CVPR 2016, hosted in Las Vegas from June 26th to July 1st, to present her work in the Large-scale Scene Understanding Challenge (LSUN) workshop. The website of the LSUN challenge is provided here:

There are three challenges or tasks in the LSUN workshop: scene classification, saliency predication and room layout estimation. The workshop provides datasets that are much larger than existing ones for benchmarking algorithms proposed by different teams. The team with the best performance is named the winner and is invited to give a talk during the workshop.

Yuzhuo presented her work during the LSUN workshop. The title of her work is “A Coarse-to-Fine Indoor Layout Estimation (CFILE) Method.” This method provides a two-stage indoor layout estimation system, coarse layout estimation followed by layout refinement. The talk was very well received.

The two keynote speakers, Jitendra Malik and Yann LeCun, gave very insightful talks. Jitendra Malik discussed semantic segmentation using RGBD data, while Yann LeCun’s talk was focused on object detection.

In the award session, Jitendra Malik, Yann LeCun, the LSUN workshop organizers and challenge winners had a photo taken together.

By |July 4th, 2016|News|Comments Off on MCL Member Attended CVPR 2016 in Las Vegas|

Interview with MCL Summer Intern Student Ryan Wong

We are so happy to welcome a new senior high school student – Ryan Wong to our lab in 2016 summer. Let us hear what he said about the intern in our group.

1. Could you briefly introduce yourself? (Previous research experience, project experience, research interest and expertise)

I’m a high school rising senior in Concordia International School Shanghai. I came to USC this summer as an intern for MCL. This is my first official research experience working under Professor Kuo as a student/intern. I’ve previously researched game design and entrepreneurship in Colombia University.

2.What’s your first impression of USC and MCL?

For the past week I’ve been learning how to use Matlab, an engineering software used by engineers and scientists. Matlab uses several computer language such as C++, which I’m not familiar with; however, after a week of personal tutoring by Yi Fang and Chen, MCL members of USC undergrads, I’ve gotten familiar with Matlab and this new computer language called C++. I’m glad to have met them as my mentors for the past week, and I’m looking forward for the upcoming 5 weeks of research and entrepreneurship with them.

3. What’s your future expectation for MCL?

I hope MCL will deepen my language in Computer Science and better prepare me in my AP Computer Science course next semester in high school.


By |June 26th, 2016|News|Comments Off on Interview with MCL Summer Intern Student Ryan Wong|

MCL Join MediFor Research Project

Professor Jay Kuo has joined an international team led by Professor Ed Delp of Purdue University to develop a system for military intelligence that would detect doctored images and video and determine specifically how they were manipulated.

A huge volume of images and video of potential intelligence value are uploaded daily to the Internet. However, visual media are easily manipulated using software tools that are readily available to the public. The researchers will strive to create an “end-to-end” system capable of handling the massive volume of media uploaded regularly to the Internet. Such a system also could have potential commercial applications, representing a potential tool for news and social media platforms to authenticate images and video before posting them.

The project is funded by the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. The team’s co-principal investigators are Walter Scheirer, Kevin W. Bowyer, and Patrick J. Flynn from the University of Notre Dame; Anderson Rocha from the University of Campinas in Brazil; C.-C. Jay Kuo from the University of Southern California; Paolo Bestagini and Stefano Tubaro at Politecnico di Milano in Italy; Mauro Barni at the University of Siena in Italy; and Nasir Memon at New York University.

By |June 21st, 2016|News|Comments Off on MCL Join MediFor Research Project|
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    Congratulations to Professor Kuo for Receiving Taylor L. Booth Education Award

Congratulations to Professor Kuo for Receiving Taylor L. Booth Education Award

Professor C.-C. Jay Kuo received the 2016 Taylor L. Booth Education Award from the IEEE Computer Society in Atlanta, June 8, 2016. The Taylor L. Booth Education Award commemorates outstanding records in computer science and engineering education. Accompanied by a bronze medal and $5,000 honorarium, the award recognizes achievement as a teacher of renown in a relevant and applicable course; writing an influential text; leading, inspiring, or providing significant educational content during the creation of a curriculum in the field; or inspiring others to a career in computer science and engineering education. Professor Kuo was cited “for excellence as an inspiring educator and for distinguished contributions to multimedia education with impact on academic and industry realms.”
In the award banquet, Professor Kuo gave a short speech — “In my 30-year academic career, nothing has been more rewarding than serving as an advisor for a large number of talented and hard-working PhD students. Besides guiding them in conducting high quality research, I teach them respectable academic practices such as being cooperative team players and good citizens in technical communities. As time goes by, scientific knowledge and technological innovation will be archived. It is the well-trained next-generation who will lead our society forward.” Professor Kuo also expressed his appreciation to the IEEE Computer Society for the recognition and the love and support from his family and students.

By |June 12th, 2016|News|Comments Off on Congratulations to Professor Kuo for Receiving Taylor L. Booth Education Award|

Professor Kuo Gave Keynote Speech at QoMEX 2016

Professor C.-C. Jay Kuo gave a keynote speech at the 8th International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX) in Lisbon, Portugal, on June 6th. The title of his talk is “Perceptual Coding: Hype or Hope?”. The abstract of his talk is given below.
“There has been a significant progress in image/video coding in the last 50 years, and many visual coding standards have been established, including JPEG, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, H.264/AVC and H.265, in the last three decades. The visual coding research field has reached a mature stage, and the question “is there anything left for image/video coding?” arises in recent years. One emerging R&D topic is “perceptual coding”. That is, we may leverage the characteristics of the human visual system (HVS) to achieve a higher coding gain. For example, we may change the traditional quality/distortion measure (i.e., PSNR/MSE) to a new perceptual quality/distortion measure and take visual saliency and spatial-temporal masking effects into account. Recent developments in this area will be reviewed first. However, “is it sufficient to keep visual coding research vibrant and prosperous for another decade with such a modification?” The answer is probably not. In this talk, I will present a new HVS-centric coding framework that is dramatically differently from the past. This framework is centered on two key concepts – the stair quality function (SQF) and the Just-Noticeable-Differences (JND). It will lead to numerous new R&D opportunities and revolutionize coding research with modern machine learning tools.”
Perceptual coding is one of the main activities of the MCL in last 5-6 years. Several PhD students and post-doc have made contributions to this topic, including Sudeng Hu, Yu-Chieh Lin, Lina Jin and Haiqiang Wang. This project has been supported by Netflix [...]

By |June 6th, 2016|News|Comments Off on Professor Kuo Gave Keynote Speech at QoMEX 2016|
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    Professor Kuo visited Korea and attended two MCL alumni reunion events

Professor Kuo visited Korea and attended two MCL alumni reunion events

MCL Director, Professor C.-C. Jay Kuo, visited Korea in the last week of May and had two MCL alumni reunion events in Suwon and Seoul.
Professor Kuo had the dinner with six MCL alumni in Suwon on May 26 (Thursday). They were Dr. Junghun Park (left in the first row), Dr. Jae-Joon Lee (right in the first row), Dr. Dong-Woo Kang, Dr. Namgook Cho, Dr. Young Ju Jeong and Dr. Youngmin Kwak (from the left to the right in the second row). They all work for Samsung except for Dr. Jae-Joon Lee, who is a research professor at the Ajou University after working at Samsung.
Professor Kuo had the dinner with another eleven MCL alumni in Seoul on May 27 (Friday). They were (from left to the right): Professor Chang-Su Kim (Korea University), Dr. Hyunsuk Ko (ETRI), Professor Byung Tae Oh (Korean Airspace University), Dr. Yongjin Cho (founder of a start-up), Professor Kyoung Mu Lee (Seoul National University), Professor Kuo, Professor JongWon Kim (Guangzhou Institute of Science and Technology), Professor Hwangjun Song (Pohang Institute of Technology), Dr. Jin-Gyoung Kim (VP of LG), Professor Jae-Young Sim (Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology) and Professor Je-Won Kang (Ewha University).
Professor Kuo shared with MCL alumni in Korea about recent developments at USC such as the USC Village Project, and invited them to visit the USC campus again if they would have an opportunity to come to USA in the near future. Professor Kuo also said that the experience of seeing students grow into maturity in research, become successful in their career and build a good family is the most rewarding part of his teaching career at USC.

By |May 29th, 2016|News|Comments Off on Professor Kuo visited Korea and attended two MCL alumni reunion events|

Seven MCL Members Attended Viterbi PhD Hooding Ceremony

Seven MCL members attended the Viterbi PhD hooding ceremony on Thursday, May 12, 2016, from 8:30-11:00 a.m. in the Bovard Auditorium. They were Young Ju Jeong, Xiaqing Pan, Chen Chen, Shangwen Li, Jian Li, Chun-Ting Huang  and Hao Xu. Congratulations to them and their families for their accomplishments in completing their PhD program at USC.

Ms. Young Ju Jeong joined the MCL in 2005 Fall firstly as a MS student and then a PhD student. Young Ju took a leave of absence, returned to Korea and worked as a research engineer in the Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology (SAIT) in 2007 August. She has resumed her PhD program remotely since two years ago by taking courses through DEN and communicating with Professor Kuo on her research progress.Her dissertation title is “Autostereoscopic 3D Display Rendering from Stereo Sequences”.

Xiaqing Pan received his B.S. degree in University of Shanghai for Science and Technology (USST), Shanghai, China in 2010 and M.S.E.E. degree in USC, Los Angeles, U.S.A. in 2012. He joined MCL in 2012 Fall. His research interests include 3-D mesh classification and retrieval, super-resolution and computer vision.

Chen Chen received his bachelor degree from the Beijing University of Posts and Telecoms and earned his M.S. at the University of Southern California. In Prof. Kuo’s Media and Creative Lab, he focuses on computer vision research topics.

Jian Li received his B.S. degree from department of Electronic Science and Technology at University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) in 2009. He obtained his M.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from University of Southern California (USC) in 2011. He is currently pursuing PhD degree in Electrical Engineering at USC. He is a Research Assistant at Media Communications Lab advised by Prof. C.-C. Jay Kuo. His [...]

By |May 15th, 2016|News|Comments Off on Seven MCL Members Attended Viterbi PhD Hooding Ceremony|