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    MCLab Director, Professor Kuo, Offers A Short Summer Course on “Entrepreneurship” to Its Members

MCLab Director, Professor Kuo, Offers A Short Summer Course on “Entrepreneurship” to Its Members

MCLab Director, Professor Jay Kuo, is giving a series of lectures on “entrepreneurship” to its members during the summer time. The content includes the following:

Lecture #1: What is an entrepreneur?

Lecture #2: What do you expect in a “start-up” process?

Lecture #3: Look for “start-up” ideas and be prepared to move

Lecture #4: Innovation and execution

Lecture #5: Build up a strong team

Lecture #6: Marketing and sale

Lecture #7: Local support and globalization

Professor Kuo said that “It is important to equip engineering students with some knowledge in entrepreneurship since they may have a new perspective on their future career path. It is fortunate for me to know many friends who are industrial leaders with strong entrepreneurship spirit. They let me understand the value of technology from the business viewpoint. It is fresh and inspiring. Furthermore, it helps me shape my research agenda. I hope that this series of lectures can be motivating our lab members to look at things from a more diversified angle.”

The first lecture was given in the afternoon of June 19th. It was very well attended.

By |June 22nd, 2014|News|Comments Off on MCLab Director, Professor Kuo, Offers A Short Summer Course on “Entrepreneurship” to Its Members|
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    Congratulations to 4 MCLab Members for Passing their Defenses

Congratulations to 4 MCLab Members for Passing their Defenses

Congratulations to four members of MCLab, Martin Gawecki, Tsung-Jung Liu, Kuan-Hsien Liu, and Xue Wang for passing their Defenses in the last week.

Martin Gawecki’s dissertation title is “SIGNAL PROCESSING APPROACH TO ROBUST JET ENGINE FAULTDETECTION AND DIAGNOSIS”. His Dissertation Committee includes: Jay Kuo (Chair), Keith Jenkins and Aiichiro Nakano (Outside Member).The Committee was very pleased with his work in applying signal processing techniques to the solution of real-world problems. It demands a good understanding of the whole problem and the access to some valuable data. This bridging effort has been highly appreciated.

Tsung-Jung Liu’s thesis title is “A LEARNING-BASED APPROACH TO IMAGE QUALITY ASSESSMENT”. His dissertation committee members include: Jay Kuo (Chair), Panayiotis Georgiou and Aiichiro Nakano (Outside Member). They were amazed by the quality of his work and an impressive publication list as a result of his research.

Kuan-Hsien Liu’s thesis title is “FACIAL AGE GROUPING AND ESTIMATION VIA ENSEMBLE LEARNING”. His dissertation committee members include: Jay Kuo (Chair), Panayiotis Georgiou, Suya Yu, and Aiichiro Nakano (Outside Member). The Committee was impressed with the novelty of his proposed face-image-based age estimation methods as well as their excellent performance as compared with other state-of-the-art algorithms. The Committee also encouraged him to submit the high quality work to top-ranked journal/conference.

Xue Wang’s dissertation title is “Machine Learning Based Techniques for Biomedical Image/Video Analysis”. Her dissertation committee includes: Jay Kuo (Chair), Sandy Sawchuk (Co-Chair) and Jesse Yan (Outside Member). The Committee was very satisfied with the excellent presentation and results delivered by Xue.

We all wish them the best for their next step.

By |June 15th, 2014|News|Comments Off on Congratulations to 4 MCLab Members for Passing their Defenses|
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    Enabling “Internet of Things” – A New Research Focus of MCLab

Enabling “Internet of Things” – A New Research Focus of MCLab

Professor C.-C. Jay Kuo announced a new research focus of MCLab on “Internet of Things (IOT)”. Professor Kuo said that the concept of IOT and some of its implementations had existed for years yet sparsely in isolated areas such as Fedex/UPS mailing systems, smart green building, smart home, etc. The connection between IOT and cloud/distributed computing platform and the emergence of wearable devices make an extensive IOT deployment a reality. Enabling technologies for IOT systems include: sensing (data acquisition), networking (data exchange/aggregation), computing (data analytics), storage (data preservation), control (decision making) and security/privacy of data and systems.

By leveraging on its core competence, MCLab will have emphasis on visual sensors acquired by video and depth cameras and conduct video analytics to recognize people, scene and environment and to understand human emotions, activities, behaviors. These techniques can be applied to effective learning, video surveillance, assistance to blind, automated driving, etc.

*Images are from:

Cisco & Beecham Research,

China Internet Network Information Center,


By |June 8th, 2014|News|Comments Off on Enabling “Internet of Things” – A New Research Focus of MCLab|

MCLab Releases the New Video Database: MCL-V

The high-definition video broadcasting and streaming services are blooming nowadays.  Consumers can enjoy on-demand video services from Netflix, Hulu or Amazon, and watching high-definition (HD) programs becomes the mainstream for video content consumption. According to the latest report, more than half of US population watches on-line movies or dramas. Specifically, the viewers have increased from 37% in 2010 to 51% in 2013. The watched video programs vary in bit rates and resolutions due to the available bandwidth of their networks. Different sizes of video are transmitted at lower bit rates and up-scaled for display on HDTV (e.g., playing a 720p movie on the 1080p screen). This is common in people’s daily life, yet video quality assessment on HD streaming video has not yet been extensively studied in the past.

To fulfill the need, MCLab has released a new video image database recently, which is called MCL-V. This database captures two typical video distortion types in video services. It contains 12 source video clips and 96 distorted video clips with subjective assessment scores.  The source video clips are selected from a large pool of public-domain HD video sequences with representative and diversified contents. Both distortion types are perceptually adjusted to yield distinguishable distortion levels. An improved pairwise comparison method is adopted for subjective evaluation. Furthermore, several existing image and video quality assessment algorithms are evaluated against MCL-V database.  MCL-V is publicly accessible to facilitate future video quality research of the community.

Download link:

By |June 1st, 2014|News|Comments Off on MCLab Releases the New Video Database: MCL-V|

MCLab Releases the New 3D Database: MCL-3D

Stereoscopic image/video contents have become popular nowadays. Since the multi-view image format is costly for visual communication, the 2D-image-plus-depth format is proposed as an alternative, where a texture image and its associated depth image are recorded at a view point simultaneously. For stereoscopic display, the depth image-based rendering (DIBR) technique is applied to the texture and depth images to generate the proper left and right views.

One critical issue regarding 3D-related applications is to develop a robust metric to assess the quality of 3D image (or video) stimuli. Although a good stereoscopic image quality assessment is much in need due to the emergence of 3D visual contents, most of stereoscopic image databases are still small and based on traditional stereo image format, that is, captured left and right images. This restricts the design of good objective quality metrics.

To tackle these limitations and facilitate the related research, MCLab has released a new 3D image database recently, which is called MCL-3D. This database is valuable for the following reasons. Firstly, the MCL-3D database adopts the 2D-image-plus-depth source, where stereoscopic images are synthesized by the DIBR rendering technique. Secondly, all stereo images in the MCL-3D database are of high resolution, which is closer to today’s real world applications. Finally, the database is downloadable online with the detailed description of the database generation and the corresponding subjective test. We hope that our MCL-3D database can help other researchers in developing a good quality assessment metric.

Download link:

By |May 25th, 2014|News|Comments Off on MCLab Releases the New 3D Database: MCL-3D|

Seven MCL Members Attending PhD Hooding Ceremony

Seven MCL members attended the Viterbi PhD hooding ceremony on Thursday, May 15, 2014, from 8:30-11:00 a.m. in the Bovard Auditorium. They were Martin Gawecki, Harshad Kadu, Hyunsuk Ko, Kuan-Hsien Liu, Tsung-Jung Liu, Sanjay Purushotham and Xue Wang. Congratulations to them and their families for their accomplishments in completing their PhD program at USC.

Martin Gawecki received a B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of California, Riverside (UCR) and an M.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Southern California (USC). Since 2009, he has been a member in the Media Communications Lab at USC, participating in the fields of statistical signal processing, machine learning, and time series analysis. His dissertation, entitled “A Signal Processing Approach to Robust Jet Engine Fault Detection and Diagnosis,” discusses the algorithms that can be used to advance engine health monitoring (EHM) with respect to data from vibration, acoustic, and classical (gas path) sensors. Done in conjunction with the Pratt-Whitney Institute for Collaborative Engineering (PWICE), his work demonstrates the superiority of vibration over acoustic sensors and showcases the ability of machine learning methods to assess performance of real engines based on fully simulated training data.

Harshad Kadu received his Bachelor’s degree from National Institute of Technology, Nagpur in 2008 and Master’s degree from University of Southern California, Los Angeles in 2011. Since then he has been pursuing his PhD in Electrical Engineering with Media Communications Lab at USC. His research interests include 3D human motion capture data analysis, image and music information processing, computer vision and statistical machine learning. His thesis titled ‘Advanced Techniques for Mocap Data Classification and Text Detection’ presents multi-resolution string representation based temporal and spatial domain techniques for human action recognition. His recent work [...]

By |May 18th, 2014|News|Comments Off on Seven MCL Members Attending PhD Hooding Ceremony|

MCLab Initiates Code Sharing Project

As algorithms become more and more complex, the implementations become more and more difficult. Without firsthand knowledge on the algorithm, it is extremely difficult and time consuming to build programs with respect to the publications. Many researchers are actively releasing their source code to the computer vision community these days. Their kindness gives great momentum to the development of better algorithms and the analysis on the existing approaches.

MCL wants to be a part of the selfless community by releasing all our research programs to the public. We are initiating the MCL Codebase Project, which aims at sharing our group member’s first hand implementations to the world. Since we are currently working on various researches, we will index them into five categories, including image/video quality assessment, face detection and recognition, scene recognition, object detection, image retrieval.

We will be offering projects through Github, so source codes are constantly updated and maintained. Anyone can easily branch either a stable version or a cutting edge development. The source code will be released under GNU General Public License, so researchers can use them freely. Researchers are welcome to contribute to our codebase. Send us a pull request and help us build a more powerful code base.

Our group member Hao Xu, Xiaqing Pan, and Chen Chen will serve as the MCL Codebase Project committee. Our senior group member Joe Lin, Sudeng Hu, and our group alumni Jiangyang Zhang will join the board of advisory. Professor Kuo will closely monitor the progress of this project.

By |May 11th, 2014|News|Comments Off on MCLab Initiates Code Sharing Project|
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    MCLab Inspires Cooperative Biomedical Research between USC and UCLA

MCLab Inspires Cooperative Biomedical Research between USC and UCLA

The Media Communication Lab (MCLab) at USC has a strong commitment to providing an interdisciplinary environment for student researchers, to nourish diversity of application of electrical engineering. Ph.D. candidate Xue Wang, whose research interest lies in biomedical and information processing, has been working on the validation of an evaluation tool for assessing surgical techniques. Capsulorhexis, which is a significant portion of cataract surgery, is of particular interest. Ongoing work on this problem has collaboration between faculty in the Ming Hsieh Department of Electrical Engineering at USC and the Jules Stein Eye Institute (JSEI) at UCLA since June of 2013.

The research aims at developing a valid set of quantitative and qualitative measures of surgical skills to accelerate the training of residents. Currently, capsulorhexis surgical techniques are assessed through an expert-panel-video-review using evaluation questions from the OSCAR and GRASIS evaluation tools.* However, there is considerable inter-observer variability, and direct quantitative questions were the least reliable. Xue’s work combines knowledge in biomedical image/video processing, machine learning, and computer vision to develop an automated quality assessment system to evaluate and improve surgical techniques, such that it is objective, accurate, and reliable. Human inspection is minimized along with the exploration of surgical video understanding via machine learning.

“It’s exciting to put focused and concerted effort in exploring the unknown and trying to find a solution for challenging problems. When you are working with excellent and talented people, you have a more open outlook on the potential of new cross-disciplinary methods”, Xue said. Xue’s work has been presented at AUPO and ASCRS conferences in January of 2014 and April of 2014, respectively.** Her result shows that video/image analysis provides an objective way to measure proficiency in the capsulorhexis part of cataract [...]

By |May 4th, 2014|News|Comments Off on MCLab Inspires Cooperative Biomedical Research between USC and UCLA|
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    Professor Kuo Received Two Distinguished Teaching/Mentorship Awards

Professor Kuo Received Two Distinguished Teaching/Mentorship Awards

The MCL Director, Professor Kuo, received two distinguished awards for his contributions in graduate students teaching and mentorship this week – the 2014 Northrop Grumman Excellence in Teaching Award and a 2014 Mellon Faculty Mentoring Graduate Students Award.

The Northrop Grumman Award was announced during the Viterbi School of Engineering annual award luncheon at the USC Town and Gown on April 22, 12-2pm. The Mellon Award ceremony was held, in the Vineyard Room at the USC Davidson Conference Center on April 24, 4:30-6pm.

Prof. Kuo said, “In my 25-year academic career at USC, nothing has been more rewarding than serving as a mentor for a large variety of talented and hard-working graduate students.” He further added, “What mentorship attempts to accomplish is not only to nurture a maturing researcher, but also to mold a decent and respectable person in our society. In this sense, a mentor is like a pot maker. We have a responsibility to shape the values and perspectives of our students. A mentor is fundamentally a role model for mentees. Although what we say is important, both who we are and what we do are much more important.”

In his personal letter to Prof. Kuo, Dean Yannis C. Yortsos of the Viterbi School of Engineering wrote, “This honor is a great testament to your role in creating a culture of mentoring in USC Viterbi and demonstrating the commitment to nurture the new generation of scholars. On behalf of the entire Viterbi family, I wanted you to know how proud we are of your many accomplishments.”

Congratulations to Prof. Kuo for his distinguished achievements and received honorable recognition by both the Mellon Foundation and the Northrop Grumman Corporation.

By |April 27th, 2014|News|Comments Off on Professor Kuo Received Two Distinguished Teaching/Mentorship Awards|
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    Media Communications Lab Begins Research Projects with Google Glass

Media Communications Lab Begins Research Projects with Google Glass

Google Glass provides a great foundation for developing various Computer Vision algorithms and applications. Our group is now actively working on a number of different problems and has several pending algorithms to be implemented on this exciting platform.

One objective is to perform landmark recognition, object recognition, and facial recognition. These applications can help people in numerous aspects of their lives, ranging from tourist navigation to hardware training. With object detection and augmented reality, we can provide tools to train junior engineers with visual instruction instead of verbal guidance. We believe this could effectively improve the quality of training while reducing its cost.

Google Glass is also a promising venue in the application of information retrieval. In an ideal scenario, Glass would be able to pull up information on whatever the viewer sees. Traveling to a new place would mean automatically recognizing it and displaying pertinent local information, such as nearby restaurants or places of interest. Catching a glimpse of a movie poster would allow instant identification of the movie and an option to play the trailer. There are no limits in application, but important challenges exist throughout the process of recognition, retrieval, curation, and display of such content.

One final computer vision application our group is particularly interested in is visual saliency detection, which tries to detect where humans look in an image or video. Automated visual saliency detectors attempt to extract the regions that humans are interested in and are a fundamental process for many other computer vision applications, such as object detection and image retrieval. While Glass has no tracking of the human eye, it does provide an insight into this problem by capturing the motion of a person’s gaze as it turns to [...]

By |April 20th, 2014|News|Comments Off on Media Communications Lab Begins Research Projects with Google Glass|