Congratulations to Min Zhang for Passing Her Defense
Congratulations to Min Zhang for passing her defense on Dec 9, 2022. Her PhD dissertation is titled with “Explainable and Green Solutions to Point Cloud Classification and Segmentation”. Her dissertation Committee members include Prof. C.-C. Jay Kuo (Chair), Keith Jenkins, and Prof. Stefanos Nikolaidis (Outside member). Min’s presentation was highly praised by the Committee. We invite Min Zhang here to share an abstract of her thesis and her defense experience. We wish Min Zhang all the best for her future career and life!
Point cloud processing is a fundamental but challenging research topic in the field of 3D computer vision, we specifically study two point cloud processing related problems — point cloud classification and point cloud segmentation. Given a point cloud as the input, the goal of classification is to label every point cloud as one of the object categories and the goal of segmentation is to label every point as one of the semantic categories. State-of-the-art point cloud classification and segmentation methods are based on deep neural networks. Although deep-learning-based methods provide good performance, their working principle is not transparent. Furthermore, they demand huge computational resources (e.g., long training time even with GPUs). Since it is challenging to deploy them in mobile or terminal devices, their applicability to real world problems is hindered. To address these shortcomings, we design explainable and green solutions to point cloud classification and segmentation.
We first propose an explainable machine learning method, PointHop, for point cloud classification and further improve its model complexity and performance in PointHop++. Then, we extend the PointHop method to do explainable and green point cloud segmentation. Specifically, an unsupervised feedforward feature (UFF) learning scheme for joint classification and part segmentation of 3D point clouds and [...]