MCL Research on Generated Samples Quality Assessment
Despite prolific work on evaluating generative models, little research has been done on the quality evaluation of an individual generated sample. To address this problem, a lightweight generated sample quality evaluation (LGSQE) method is proposed in this work. In the training stage of LGSQE, a binary classifier is trained on real and synthetic samples, where real and synthetic data are labeled by 0 and 1, respectively. In the inference stage, the classifier assign soft labels (ranging from 0 to 1) to each generated sample. The value of soft label indicates the quality level; namely,the quality is better if its soft label is closer to 0. LGSQE can serve as a post-processing module for quality control. Furthermore, LGSQE can be used to evaluate the performance of generative models, such as accuracy, AUC, precision and recall, by aggregating sample-level quality. Experiments are conducted on CIFAR-10 and MNIST to demonstrate that LGSQE can preserve the same performance rank order as that predicted by the Frechet Inception Distance (FID) but with significantly lower complexity.
Fig. 1 shows the pipeline of the proposed method. The LGSQE method consists of three cascaded modules:
Module 1: Representation Learning. effective local and global representations of images are learned based upon PixelHop framework.
Module 2: Discriminant Feature Test (DFT). Use DFT to choose powerful features from large numbers of representations obtained from Module 1 against a particular task.
Module 3: Binary Classification for Evaluation. We partition the real/generated data into training and testing sets. A binary classifier is trained on the union of real and generated training samples, which are labeled with “0” and “1”, respectively. The classifier assigns a soft score, to each testing sample as the sample quality index.
Fig. 2 shows the evaluation of generated [...]