We are so happy to welcome a new undergraduate student, Beatriz Sousa, in Fall 2016. Let us hear what she said about research and MCL.
1. Could you briefly introduce yourself and your research interests?
My name is Beatriz Sousa, and I am a freshman at USC pursuing a BS degree in Electrical Engineering. I am very interested in expanding my knowledge in the programming side of electrical engineering so that I can better apply my knowledge toward making electronic circuits in various gaming systems in the future. I am also interested in better understanding how programming and circuit systems work together to create such a dynamic environment for the gamer, and thus problem solving to better develop such an environment.
2. What is your impression about MCL and USC?
USC is a supportive community that is always looking for new ways to expand and improve current technologies. MCL provides me with the same impression as every member is interested and passionate about what they are doing and are very friendly and willing to help.
3. What is your future expectation and plan in MCL?
My future expectation is to learn a lot about programming, especially in games, and how different aspects of the program interact with the systems present in the console to create an effect on the user that I would have not expected otherwise. I hope to create strong connections that will not only help me in my work in MCL but outside of it as well.