We are so glad to welcome our new MCL member, Hamza Ghani! Here is a short interview with Tian:

1. Could you briefly introduce yourself and your research interests?

My name is Hamza Ghani and I am from Austin, Texas. I am a graduate student here at USC pursuing a Masters in Electrical Engineering. I went to UT Austin for my undergrad which was in ECE focusing on computer engineering. I also currently work full-time as a Data Scientist while pursuing my Masters. My research interests include: Machine Learning, Graphs and GANs.

2. What is your impression about MCL and USC?

All the members I’ve met in MCL are very knowledgeable in several topics. I am definitely learning a lot by interacting with everyone.  Additionally, everyone I’ve worked with in MCL has been great/enjoyable to work with. I want to thank Professor Kuo for giving me a chance to join the MCL lab and I don’t think my USC experience would be the same without MCL. USC has been great so far, the campus is really nice and it’s easy to make friends even outside of my major.

3. What is your future expectation and plan in MCL?

My current goal is to successfully complete the project my team is currently working on regarding model compression. Overall I want to keep learning through research work, publish papers and make connections with my peers in the lab.