Congratulations to Hongyu Fu for passing his defense today. Hongyu’s thesis is titled “Efficient Machine Learning Techniques for Low- and High-Dimensional Data Sources.” His Dissertation Committee includes Jay Kuo (Chair), Antonio Ortega, and Aiichiro Nakano (Outside Member). The Committee members were very pleased with Hongyu’s high-quality work and professional presentation skills. MCL News team invited Hongyu for a short talk on her thesis and PhD experience, and here is the summary. We thankHongyu for his kind sharing, and wish him all the best in the next journey. A high-level abstract of Hongyu’s thesis is given below:
“This thesis concentrates on the development of efficient machine learning methodologies for both low and high-dimensional data. It presents a novel, feature-based machine learning technique, noted the Subspace Learning Machine (SLM), specifically designed for low-dimensional data. SLM combines the efficiency of decision trees and the effectiveness of multi-layer perceptrons to solve classification and regression problems with high performance and low model complexity. For high-dimensional data, the thesis proposes an efficient feed-forward machine learning framework and an adaptive SLM design with soft partitioning for image classification. These methods offer lightweight, adaptive models with low computational requirements and high performance.”