MCL has a new Master’s student, Chunyang Xia, in Spring 2016. Let’s give him a warm welcome! Here is a briefly interview with him.
1. Could you briefly introduce yourself? (Previous research experience, project experience, research interest and expertise)
I graduated from Tongji University in 2013 (2009-2013) with CS BS and received CS MS at USC in Dec. 2015. Lots of researches and projects I have done are related to Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Big Data, HPC, NLP ,and so on. My graduation project at Tongji University is a video retrieval system on near duplicate video, which will retrieve partial similar videos back given a query.
2. What’s your first impression of USC and MCL?
USC is a great University. We have faculties and students with high passion and motivation. We are encouraged to seek our interested projects to work on. Team work in projects also is a great experience for students and we can benefit a lot, not only the academic experience. MCL is a great lab at USC. There are lots of nice people working together. People work close to each other and share experience and finding in research.
3. What’s your future expectation for MCL?
As I work in a research lab, My current goal in MCL is fighting for the submission of ACCV, as well as supporting other people on my team.