MCL members, Chi-Hao (Eddy) Wu and Siyang Li presented their papers at Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV) 2017, Santa Rosa, CA, USA
The title of Eddy’s paper is “Boosted Convolutional Neural Networks (BCNN) for Pedestrian Detection”, with Weihao Gan, De Lan and C.-C. Jay Kuo as the co-authors. Here is a brief summary:
“In this work, a boosted convolutional neural network (BCNN) system is proposed to enhance the pedestrian detection performance. Being inspired by the classic boosting idea, we develop a weighted loss function that emphasizes challenging samples in training a convolutional neural network (CNN). Two types of samples are considered challenging: 1) samples with detection scores falling in the decision boundary, and 2) temporally associated samples with inconsistent scores. A weighting scheme is designed for each of them. Finally, we train a boosted fusion layer to benefit from the integration of these two weighting schemes. We use the Fast-RCNN as the baseline, and test the corresponding BCNN on the Caltech pedestrian dataset in the experiment, and show a significant performance gain of the BCNN over its baseline.”
Siyang’s paper is entitled “Box Refinement: Object Proposal Enhancement and Pruning”, co-authored with Heming Zhang, Junting Zhang, Yuzhuo Ren and C.-C. Jay Kuo. The summary goes as followed:
“Object proposal generation has been an important preprocessing step for object detectors in general and the convolutional neural network (CNN) detectors in particular. Recently, people start to use the CNN to generate object proposals but most of these methods suffer from the localization bias problem, like other objectness-based methods. Since contours offer a powerful cue for accurate localization, we propose a box refinement method by searching for the optimal contour for each initial bounding box that minimizes the contour cost. Experiments on the PASCAL VOC2007 test dataset show that our box refinement method can significantly improve the object recall at a high overlapping threshold while maintaining a similar recall at a loose one. Given 1000 proposals, the average recall of multiple existing methods is increased by more than 5% with our box refinement process integrated.”
Congratulations to Siyang and Eddy for their successful presentations at WACV!