MCL Director, Professor Kuo, gave an invited speech at Kyoto University on December 19, 2019. The title of his speech was “From Feedforward-Designed Convolutional Neural Networks (FF-CNNs) to Successive Subspace Learning (SSL)”. Professor Kuo’s visit to Kyoto University was hosted by Professor Tatsuya Kawahara. The lecture was also an event of IEEE SPS Kansai Chapter.
The abstract of his speech is given below. “Given a convolutional neural network (CNN) architecture, its network parameters are typically determined by backpropagation (BP). The underlying mechanism remains to be a black-box after a large amount of theoretical investigation. In this talk, I will first describe a new interpretable feedforward (FF) design with the LeNet-5 as an example. The FF-designed CNN is a data-centric approach that derives network parameters based on training data statistics layer by layer in a one-pass feedforward manner. To build the convolutional layers, we develop a new signal transform, called the Saab (Subspace approximation with adjusted bias) transform. The bias in filter weights is chosen to annihilate nonlinearity of the activation function. To build the fully-connected (FC) layers, we adopt a label-guided linear least squared regression (LSR) method. To generalize the FF design idea furthermore, we present the notion of “successive subspace learning (SSL)” and present a couple of concrete methods for image and point cloud classification. Experimental results are given to demonstrate the competitive performance of the SSL-based systems. Similarities and differences between SSL and deep learning (DL) are compared.”