Professor C.-C. Jay Kuo, Director of MCL, visited Singapore from June 17-23 and attended two events in his Asia trip.
For the first event, Professor Kuo gave a seminar titled “Demystify Artificial Intelligence and Technology Outlook” at the Nanyang Technological University on June 20 (Wednesday). The abstract of his talk is given below.
“The term “Artificial Intelligence (AI)” was coined in 1956. Although the field evolved slowly in the first 55 years, we have witnessed rapid advances in AI in the last decade (e.g., the ChatGPT service). Questions are raised about AI’s role in human society and civilization, e.g., whether AI will replace human intelligence (HI), how HI and AI complement each other, etc. I will shed light on them. Then, I will comment on the limitations of today’s deep-learning-based (DL) AI models. DL-based models are neither interpretable nor sustainable. An alternative methodology is desired. To this end, I have investigated a new statistically based AI/ML framework called “Green Learning” (GL). GL significantly reduces the model size and complexity of DL models while yielding competitive performance and allowing mathematical transparency. GL adopts the feedforward one-pass training pipeline, so all intermediate results are explainable. Finally, I will address the AI role in human society and issues with today’s chatbots, such as bias and fairness.”
Professor Kuo’s talk was hosted by Professor Woon Seng Gan at NTU. He also had a reunion with Professor Jiaying Liu of Peking University. Professor Liu was a visiting PhD student at MCL from August 2007 to August 2008.
For the 2nd activity, Professor Kuo delivered a keynote speech at the Workshop titled “Emerging Trends and Innovations in Machine Learning and AI” on June 21 (Friday) organized by APSIPA Singapore Chapter and quite a few IEEE Singapore local chapters. Professor Kuo’s keynote title was “Toward Interpretable and Sustainable AI/ML.” In this talk, he promoted the new AI/ML methodology, Green Learning.
Professor Kuo visited Singapore
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About the Author: Mahtab Movahhedrad

Mahtab Movahhedrad received her B.S. and M.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Tabriz and Tehran polytechnics, Iran, respectively. She is currently a Ph.D. student in the Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Southern California, advised by Professor Kuo. She joined Media Communications Lab in Fall 2021. Her research interests include image processing, computer vision, and Machine learning.