We are so glad to welcome Ruiyuan Lin to join our group as a Ph.D. student, starting from Fall 2016 . Here is an interview with Ruiyuan.
1. Could you briefly introduce yourself? (Previous research experience, project experience, research interest and expertise)
I received my BEng degree in Information Engineering from City University of Hong Kong in July 2016. My previous project experiences are mainly in the field of image processing and computer vision. I also have strong interest in seismic signal processing.
2. What’s your first impression of USC and MCL?
People in MCL are all very nice and helpful. I have received a lot of help from them since I joined the group. Also, MCL members are all very enthusiastic about their research and work really hard.
3. What’s your future expectation for MCL?
I wish to make good friends with other members. And I hope to learn a lot of new stuff and get involved in cool research.