Professor C.-C. Jay Kuo visited the Biomedical Engineering Department in the James H. Clark Center of the Stanford University on April 17 to attend a research project meeting. Professor Tsung Hsiai of UCLA, Professor Alison Marsden of Stanford and Professor Jay Kuo have a joint NIH project on “Sheer Stress and Light-Sheets to Study Cardiac Trabeculation”. In this project, the team developed a Super Resolution Light-Sheet Microscopy (SRLSM) technology to advance the field of mechanotransduction and cardiac development. The role of MCL in this project is to incorporate computational algorithm to synchronize the cardiac cycle with the SRLSM-captured images for reconstruction of 4-D (3D + time) simulation. Two MCL PhD students have contributed to this project. They are Hao Xu and Ruiyuan Lin. Hao already graduated in 2017 January and now is working at Google. The MCL team provides the expertise to capture the beating hearts by period determination, relative shift determination, absolute shift determination, and post-processing.
Professor Kuo was very impressed by Stanford’s beautiful campus. He visited the campus before about 30 years ago. He hopes to have more opportunities to visit the Silicon Valley to meet MCL alumni.